
kosodate_zeninsanka 教育のないメイドを雇ったことのある文筆家はみな知っていることであるが,主人の原稿を燃やして暖炉に火をつけたいというメイドの情熱を抑えることは困難である(抑えることができなければよいのに,と読者は望むかもしれないが)。文筆家仲間なら,たとえねたみ深い敵であっても,そんなことをしようとは思わないだろう。原稿というものの価値を,経験からよく理解しているからである。

Every author who has had uneducated housemaids knows that it is difficult (the public may wish it were impossible) to restrain their passion for lighting the fire with his manuscripts. A fellow-author, even if he were a jealous enemy, would not think of doing such a thing, because experience has taught him the value of manuscripts. Similarly the boy who has a garden will not trample on other people’s flower-beds, and the boy who has pets can be taught to respect animal life. Respect for human life is likely to exist in any one who has taken trouble over his or her own children. It is the trouble we take over our children that elicits the stronger forms of parental affection; in those who avoid this trouble the parental instinct becomes more or less atrophied, and remains only as a sense of responsibility. But parents are far more likely to take trouble over their children if their constructive impulses have been fully developed ; thus for this reason also it is very desirable to pay attention to this aspect of education.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 6: Constructiveness.

abe-kisi_amayakasi 親が子どもをうまく躾れば,自分を尊重してもらうためには他人も尊重する必要があることに気づく。しかし、我儘ほうだいに育つとその必要がないので他人を尊重する気持ちが育たない。



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