
omoiyari_dog-and-cat もし,彼らが幼いときから,自分のものとして,愛情をこめて生命の発達を見守ることで,生命の価値を感じるように導かれていたならば;もし,建設的な技術を身につけていたならば;もし,さんざん気をもんでようやく作りあげたものでも,迅速かつ容易に壊されてしまうことをしっかりと理解するように育てられていたならば,-- もしも,こういうことが彼らの幼年期の道徳教育の一部となっていたならば,他の人が同じようにして作りあげたり,世話をしたりしているものを,そんなにすぐに壊そうとはしないだろう。

The elimination of thoughtless cruelty is to be effected most easily by developing an interest in construction and growth. Almost every child, as soon as he is old enough, wants to kill flies and other insects ; this leads on to the killing of larger animals, and ultimately of men. In the ordinary English upper-class family, the killing of birds is considered highly creditable, and the killing of men in war is regarded as the noblest of professions. This attitude is in accordance with untrained instinct : it is that of men who possess no form of constructive skill, and are therefore unable to find any innocent embodiment of their will to power. They can make pheasants die and tenants suffer; when occasion arises, they can shoot a rhinoceros or a German. But in more useful arts they are entirely deficient, as their parents and teachers thought it sufficient to make them into English gentlemen. I do not believe that at birth they are any stupider than other babies ; their deficiencies in later life are entirely attributable to bad education. If, from an early age, they had been led to feel the value of life by watching its development with affectionate proprietorship ; if they had acquired forms of constructive skill ; if they had been made to realize with apprehension how quickly and easily a slow product of anxious solicitude can be destroyed–if all this had formed part of their early moral training, they would not be so ready to destroy what others have similarly created or tended.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 6: Constructiveness.

lion-hunting_business 先日、NHKのある特集番組を見ていたところ、アフリカにおいて「ライオンをライフルで撃ち殺すスポーツ」のための「ライオン繁殖ビジネス」の紹介がありました。主にライフルが好きな米国人向けのものですが、ライオン一頭を殺すスポーツのために数百万円を支払わないといけないということでした。インタビューに答えていた米国人の資産家の某女性は,「とても興奮するスポーツです,皆さんも是非やってみてください!」と屈託なく応えており、ビックリしました。



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