遊びと学習 -子どもの「まねごと」と大人の白昼夢は同じではない!

gokko-asobi 遊びの教育的な価値について言えば,新しい能力を身につけるような種類の遊びは,誰もが賛美するだろう。しかし,‘まねごと’をするような遊びには,多くの近代人(現代人)は懐疑の目を向けている。おとなの生活においては,白昼夢は,多かれ少なかれ病的であり,現実の世界における努力の代用品だと考えられている。白昼夢にあびせられた不信のうちのいくらかが,子供のまねごとの方にこぼれ落ちてきているが,私の考えでは,これはまったく間違っている。

As regards the educational value of play, everybody would agree in praising the sort that consists in acquiring new aptitudes, but many moderns look with suspicion upon the sort that consists in pretence. Day-dreams, in adult life, are recognized as more or less pathological, and as a substitute for efforts in the sphere of reality. Some of the discredit which has fallen upon day-dreams has spilled over on to children’s pretences, quite mistakenly, as I think. Montessori teachers do not like children to turn their apparatus into trains- or steamers or what not : this is called “disordered imagination “. They are quite right, because what the children are doing is not really play, even if to themselves it may seem to be nothing more. The apparatus amuses the child, but its purpose is instruction ; the amusement is merely a means to instruction. In real play, amusement is the governing purpose. When the objection to “disordered imagination ” is carried over into genuine play, it seems to me to go too far. The same thing applies to the objection to telling children about fairies and giants and witches and magic carpets and so on. I cannot sympathize with the ascetics of truth, any more than with ascetics of other kinds. It is commonly said that children do not distinguish between pretence and reality, but I see very little reason to believe this. We do not believe that Hamlet ever existed, but we should be annoyed by a man who kept reminding us of this while we were enjoying the play. So children are annoyed by a tactless reminder of reality, but are not in the least taken in by their own make-believe.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 5: Play and fancy.

kokisin 大人は普通、仕事と遊びを区別する。子ども(特に幼児)の場合は、大人のような「働く義務」はないので遊んでいればよいが、成長するにつれて、単なる遊びではなく、学習(教育を受ける義務)の要素が増していく。




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