子供の遊びにおける権力志向の現れ -二つの型

Bluebeard 挫折したおとなが性的な意味合いを持つ白昼夢にふけることがあるように,正常な子供は権力(志向)の意味合いを持つ’まねごと‘にふけるものである。正常な子供は,巨人とか,ライオンとか,列車(のような力強いもの)になりたがる。まねごとによって,彼は恐怖(感)をかきたてようとする。息子に「巨人退治のジャック」の話をしたとき,私は,息子が自分をジャックに見立てるように試みたが,彼は断固としで巨人のほうを選んだのである。母親が「青ひげ」の話をしてやったとき,息子は自分は青ひげだと言い張り,言うことを聞かない妻を罰したのは正当だと考えたイラスト参照)。

Jack-to-mamenokiIn play, we have two forms of the will to power : the form which consists in learning to do things, and the form which consists in fantasy. Just as the balked adult may indulge in day-dreams that have a sexual significance, so the normal child indulges in pretences that have a power-significance. He likes to be a giant, or a lion, or a train ; in his make-believe, he inspires terror. When I told my boy the story of Jack the Giant-Killer, I tried to make him identify himself with Jack, but he firmly chose the giant. When his mother told him the story of Bluebeard, he insisted on being Bluebeard, and regarded the wife as justly punished for insubordination. In his play, there was a sanguinary outbreak of cutting off ladies’ heads. Sadism, Freudians would say ; but he enjoyed just as much being a giant who ate little boys, or an engine that could pull a heavy load. Power, not sex, was the common element in these pretences. One day, when we were returning from a walk, I told him, as an obvious joke, that perhaps we should find a certain Mr. Tiddliewinks (Tiddleywinks) in possession of our house, and he might refuse to let us in. After that, for a long time, he would stand on the porch being Mr. Tiddliewinks and telling me to go to another house. His delight in this game was unbounded, and obviously the pretence of power was what he enjoyed.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 5: Play and fancy.



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