
A3_Poster_out 私は5歳の時,幼年時代は人生で一番幸福な時期だ,と言われたのを覚えている(当時を思えば,真っ赤な嘘である)。私は,慰めようもないくらい泣き,死んでしまいたいと思い,また,これからの年月,どのようにして退屈に耐えるべきだろうかと思案した。今日では,子供に向かってそんなことを言う人がいるとはほとんど想像できない。

I can remember, at the age of five, being told that childhood was the happiest period of life (a blank lie, in those days). I wept inconsolably, wished I were dead, and wondered how I should endure the boredom of the years to come. It is almost inconceivable, nowadays, that anyone should say such a thing to a child. The child’s life is instinctively prospective : it is always directed towards the things that will become possible later on. This is part of the stimulus to the child’s efforts. To make the child retrospective, to represent the future as worse than the past, is to sap the life of the child at its source. Yet that is what heartless sentimentalists used to do by talking to the child about the joys of childhood. Fortunately the impression of their words did not last long. At most times I believed the grown-ups must be perfectly happy, because they had no lessons and they could eat what they liked. This belief was healthy and stimulating.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 4: Fear.

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