
Daumier-etching_hotei それとは対照的に,法廷の光景は,まさにドーミエのエッチング(注:腐食銅版画)の(世界の)ように見えた。(禁固)2ケ月の有罪判決が私に言い渡された時,「恥を知れ! 恥を知れ! 88歳の老人だぞ!」(注:1961年9月の裁判の時には、ラッセルは89歳)という叫びが傍聴人から起こった。私は腹が立った。

By contrast the scene in the courtroom looked like a Daumier etching. When the sentence of two months was pronounced upon me cries of ‘Shame, shame, an old man of eighty-eight!’ arose from the onlookers. lt angered me. I knew that it was well meant, but I had deliberately incurred the punishment and, in any case, I could not see that age had anything to do with guilt. If anything, it made me the more guilty. The magistrate seemed to me nearer the mark in observing that, from his point of view, I was old enough to know better. But on the whole both the Court and the police behaved more gently to us all than I could have hoped. A policeman, before proceedings began, searched the building for a cushion for me to sit upon to mitigate the rigours of the narrow wooden bench upon which we perched. None could be found – for which I was thankful – but I took his effort kindly.
出典: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3:1944-1969 ,chap3:Trafalgar Square,(1969)

TPJ-ABR3 「現代のソクラテス」と言われる所以(ゆえん)。


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