(「ジュリアス・シーザー」第三幕第ニ場 「広場」より)
しかし指導者は,彼の追従者たちに対する力(権力)を享受しなければ,(指導者として)ほとんど成功しそうもない。従って,指導者は,自分の成功を容易にしてくれるような(種類の)状況や大衆(mob)を好むようになるであろう。最も(都合の)良い状況(と)は,その状況と闘うことにおいて人々に勇気を感じさせるのに十分なほどの危険が存在するけれども,恐怖(心)が(人々を)支配するほど優勢にならない状況,-たとえば,恐るべきだが征服できないことはない敵に対する戦争が起ったというような状況である。巧みな雄弁家が好戦的な感情を刺戟したいと思うと(思う時),彼は聴衆に対して二重の信念を創り出す。一つは浅い層の信念であり,(味方側に)大いなる勇気が必要だと思わせるほどに敵のカを誇張する。(もうひとつの)深い方の層の信念は,(自分たちの)勝利に対する固い信念である。これら二つの信念は,共にいわゆる「正義は力(権力)に打ち勝つ(right will prevail over might)」というスローガン(標語)によく具現化されている。
Chapter II: Leaders and followers, n.19
Although a leader is not essential to this emotion, which can be produced by music, and by some exciting event which is seen by a crowd, the words of an orator are the easiest and most usual method of inducing it. The pleasure of collective excitement is, therefore, an important element in the power of leaders. The leader need not share in the feelings which he arouses; he may say to himself, like Shakespeare’s Antony :
Now let it work: mischief, thou art afoot,
Take thou what course thou wilt!
But the leader is hardly likely to be successful unless he enjoys his power over his followers. He will therefore be led to a preference for the kind of situation, and the kind of mob, that makes his success easy. The best situation is one in which there is a danger sufficiently serious to make men feel brave in combating it, but not so terrifying as to make fear predominant — such a situation, for example, as the outbreak of war against an enemy who is thought formidable but not invincible. A skilful orator, when he wishes to stimulate warlike feeling, produces in his audience two layers of belief: a superficial layer, in which the power of the enemy is magnified so as to make great courage seem necessary, and a deeper layer, in which there is a firm conviction of victory. Both are embodied in such a slogan as “right will prevail over might.”
出典: Power, 1938.