(たとえば)追はぎがその犠牲者(餌食)から奪い取る戦利品(分捕品)や征服者が敗戦国民から奪い取る戦利品(分捕品)は,明らかにむきだしの権力の問題である。奴隷制度(slavery)も,奴隷が長い習慣から(離れて)黙従しない場合には,そうである(むきだしの権力の問題である)【注:from 離れて/abesent from home 不在で; The town is 3 miles from here 町はここから3マイル離れたところにある。】。
Chapter 6: Naked Power, n.29
The part played by naked power in economics is much greater than it was thought to be before the influence of Marx had become operative. In certain cases, this is obvious. The booty extracted by a highwayman from his victim, or by a conqueror from a vanquished nation, is obviously a matter of naked power. So is slavery, when the slave does not acquiesce from long habit. A payment is extorted by naked power, if it has to be made in spite of the indignation of the person making it. Such indignation exists in two classes of cases : where the payment is not customary, and where, owing to a change of outlook, what is customary has come to be thought unjust. Formerly, a man had complete control of the property of his wife, but the feminist movement caused a revolt against this custom, which led to a change in the law. Formerly, employers had no liability for accidents to their employees ; here, also, sentiment changed, and brought about an alteration in the law. Examples of this kind are innumerable.
出典: Power, 1938.