国際間においてのみでなく,単一国家の内政においても,権力がむきだしの場合には,権力奪取(獲得)の方法は,他のいかなる場合よりも,はるかに無慈悲なものとなる。この問題は,既にマキャヴェリによっって最終的に(注:once for all きっぱりと)論じられている(取り使われている)。たとえば(父の)教皇アレクサンダー六世の逝去の場合(死亡した場合)に備えて,チェザーレ・ボルジアが(考えた)自分の身を守る方法についての,マキャヴフリの賞賛を込めた説明を見てみよう。
「彼(チェザーレ・ボルジア)は,4つの方法で行動することを決めた。第一(の方法)は,自分が過去に略奪した領主(諸侯)の家族を皆殺しにすること。それは(それらの家族の訴えによって)教皇に口実を与えない(take away ~ from 口実をとりさる)ためであった。第二(の方法)は,ローマ(在住)のジェントルマン(注:貴族に準ずる人々)を全て自分の味方に引き入れること。それはこうした人々の助けを借りて,教皇を押さえつけるためであった。第三(の方法)は,枢機卿会(注:college = the Sacred College: 教皇の最高諮問機関)を自分のほうへ転向させること。第四(の方法)は,教皇の亡くならないうちに自分が大きな権力を握ることによって,自分自身のやり方で,(教皇死亡の?)最初の衝撃に耐えることができるようにすること。
Chapter VI: Naked Power, n.21
Where power is naked, not only internationally, but in the internal government of single States, the methods of acquiring power are far more ruthless than they are elsewhere. This subject has been treated, once for all, by Machiavelli. Take, for example, his laudatory account of Cesare Borgia’s measures to protect himself in case of the death of Alexander VI:
“He decided to act in four ways. Firstly, by exterminating the families of those lords whom he had despoiled, so as to take away that pretext from the pope. secondly, by winning to himself all the gentlemen of Rome, so as to be able to curb the Pope with their aid. Thirdly, by converting the college more to himself. Fourthly, by acquiring so much power before the Pope should die that he could by his own measures resist the first shock. Of these four things, at the death of Alexander, he had accomplished three. For he had killed as many of the dispossessed lords as he could lay hands on, and few had escaped,” etc.
The second, third, and fourth of these methods might be employed at any time, but the first would shock public opinion in a period of orderly government. A British Prime Minister could not hope to consolidate his position by murdering the Leader of the Opposition. But where power is naked such moral restraints become inoperative.
出典: Power, 1938.