アガソクレスのシシリー(シチリア)における権力は,しばらくの間,こういったあらゆる浮き沈み(栄華盛衰)を切り抜けて生き残った。かれはセジェスタ(注:Aegesta = Segesta /シチリアの古代ギリシア都市)を占拠し,その町の貧乏人の男を全て殺害し,金持を富の隠し場所を明らかにするまで拷問した。(また)若い女や子供はイタリア本土南部のブルッチ人(古代イタリアの南西部カラブリアにいた諸族の総称)に奴隷として売りとばした。
Chapter VI: Naked Power, n.17
His power in Sicily, for some time, survived all these vicissitudes. He (= Agathocles) took Aegesta, killed all the poorer males in that city, and tortured the rich till they revealed where their wealth was concealed. The young women and children he sold as slaves to the Bruttii on the mainland.
His home life, I regret to say, was not altogether happy. His wife had an affair with his son, one of his two grandsons murdered the other, and then induced a servant of the old tyrant to poison grandpapa’s toothpick. The last act of Agathocles, when he saw he must die, was to summon the senate and demand vengeance on his grandson. But his gums, owing to the poison, became so sore that he could not speak. The citizens rose, he was hurried onto his funeral pyre before he was dead, his goods were confiscated, and we are told that democracy was restored.
出典: Power, 1938.