After this I took to speaking in defence of Free Trade on behalf of the Free Trade Union. I had never before attempted public speaking, and was shy and nervous to such a degree as to make me at first wholly ineffective. Gradually, however, my nervousness got less. After the Election of 1906, when Protection ceased for the moment to be a burning question, I took to working for women’s suffrage. On pacifist grounds I disliked the Militants, and worked always with the Constitutional party. In 1907 I even stood for Parliament at a by-election, on behalf of votes for women. The Wimbledon Campaign was short and arduous. It must be quite impossible for younger people to imagine the bitterness of the opposition to women’s equality. When, in later years, I campaigned against the first world war, the popular opposition that I encountered was not comparable to that which the suffragists met in 1907. The whole subject was treated, by a great majority of the population, as one for mere hilarity. The crowd would shout derisive remarks: to women, ‘Go home and mind the baby’; to men, ‘Does your mother know you’re out?’ no matter what the man’s age. Rotten eggs were aimed at me and hit my wife. At my first meeting rats were let loose to frighten the ladies, and ladies who were in the plot screamed in pretended terror with a view to disgracing their sex.
出典: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 6: Principia Mathematica, 1967]
(注:ラッセルは,1907年に,Wimbledon 選挙区より,婦人参政権,自由貿易論を主張し,全国婦人参政権協会連合会の推薦を受け,下院議員補欠選挙に自由党から立候補したが落選した。対立候補は保守党の大物 H. Chaplinであった。)