
McTaggart_John  マクタガート((John McTaggart, 1866 –1925:英国の観念論哲学者)は,へーゲリアンであり,その当時はまだ若くて熱狂的な性格であった。彼は当時の我々の世代に大きな知的影響力をもっていたが,ふり返ってみると,その影響力は,非常によいものであったとは思わない。2,3年の間,彼の影響のもと,私はへーゲリアンであった大学4年生の時,私も’へーゲリアン’の一人になったまさにその瞬間をおぼえている。私はタバコ(の葉)を一罐買いに外出していたが,それを持ってトリニティ小路を通って戻りつつあったその時,突如として私はそれを空中に放り投げてこう叫んだ--「そのとおりだ! その存在論的議論は正しい!」(松下注:’Great God in boots! はどのようなニュアンスでしょうか? 

McTaggart was a Hegelian, and at that time still young and enthusiastic. He had a great intellectual influence upon my generation, though in retrospect I do not think it was a very good one. For two or three years, under his influence, I was a Hegelian. I remember the exact moment during my fourth year when I became one. I had gone out to buy a tin of tobacco, and was going back with it along Trinity Lane, when suddenly I threw it up in the air and exclaimed : ‘Great God in boots! – the ontological argument is sound !’
Although after 1898 I no longer accepted McTaggart’s philosophy, I remained fond of him until an occasion during the first war, when he asked me no longer to come and see him because he could not bear my opinions. He followed this up by taking a leading part in having me turned out of my lectureship.
出典: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 3: Cambridge, 1967]



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