ラッセル『結婚論』第四章 男根崇拝,禁欲主義および罪 n.8:禁欲主義発生の原因

第四章 男根崇拝,禁欲主義および罪 n.8:禁欲主義発生の原因?

これまで考察したどれよりもはっきりしない原因が(ほかにもあって),古代世界の後期に次第に強まってきた禁欲主義と関係があったのではないか,と私は思っている。人生が愉快に見え,人間が精力的で,現世に存在する(生きる)喜びが十分あり,完全な満足が得られる時代もある。(また)人間が飽き飽き(倦怠)しているように見え,この世もその喜びも不十分で,人びとが現世(注: sublunary scene 月下=この世界)の本来の虚しさを埋め合わせようと,魂の慰めや来世に頼ろうとする時代もある。




Chapter IV Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin, n.8

I suspect that other causes more obscure than any we have yet considered had to do with the increasing asceticism of the ancient world in its later days. There are epochs when life seems cheerful, when men are vigorous, and when the joys of this mundane existence are sufficient to give complete satisfaction. There are other epochs when men seem weary, when this world and its joys do not suffice, and when men look to spiritual consolation or a future life to make up for the natural emptiness of this sublunary scene. Compare the Solomon of the “Song of Songs” with the Solomon of Ecclesiastes; the one represents the ancient world in its prime, the other in its decay. What is the cause of this difference I do not profess to know. Perhaps it is something very simple and physiological, such as the substitution of a sedentary urban life for an active life in the open air; perhaps the Stoics had sluggish livers; perhaps the author of Ecclesiastes thought that all is vanity because he did not take enough exercise. However that may be, there is no doubt that a mood such as this leads easily to a condemnation of sex. Probably the causes we have suggested, and various others also, contributed to the general weariness of the later centuries of antiquity, and of this weariness asceticism was one feature. Unfortunately it was in this decadent and morbid period that the Christian ethic was formulated. The vigorous men of later periods have had to do their best to live up to an outlook on belonging to diseased, weary and disillusioned men who had lost all sense of biological values and the continuity of human life. This topic, however, belongs to our next chapter.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.



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