
carrot-and-stick 確かに,馬を調教する(break in)際に見られるとおり,この方法はある程度はうまくいく。しかし,それよりも,困難を克服するために必要な野心を刺激するほうが優っていると思われる。野心の刺激は,成功の喜びが最初は比較的容易に得られるように、困難な事柄に段階をつける(困難な事柄を段階にわける)ことによって,成し遂げることができる。こうすれば,忍耐によって(がんばってやれば)報いられるという経験が得られるし,また,必要な忍耐心の量をしだいに増やすことができる。

children_play-freelyPatience and industry ought to result from a good education. It was formerly thought that they could only be secured, in most cases, by the enforcement of good habits imposed by external authority. Undoubtedly this method has some success, as may be seen when a horse is broken in. But I think it is better to stimulate the ambition required for overcoming difficulties, which can be done by grading the difficulties so that the pleasure of success may at first be won fairly easily. This gives experience of the rewards of persistence, and gradually the amount of persistence required can be increased. Exactly similar remarks apply to the belief that knowledge is difficult but not impossible, which is best generated by inducing the pupil to solve a series of carefully graded problems.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles



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