子どもの遊びの心理学 -時が来れば実現したいと願い・・・

sekai-no-asobi 子供は,身体上の要求に気を配ってもらっているかぎり,現実よりもゲーム(遊戯)のほうがずっとおもしろいと考える。ゲーム(遊戯)においては,子供は王様である。実際,子供は,いかなるこの世の(世俗的な)君主にも勝る権力をもって自分の領土を支配する。現実においては,彼は一定の時刻になれば寝なければならないし,うるさい教え(言いつけ)をたくさん守らなければならない。子供は,想像力のないおとなが,よく考えもしないで彼の「舞台装置」(mise-en-scene)に介入すれば,激怒する。子供がせっかく,どんなに大きな巨人も登れないよう城壁を築きあげた時(あげたのに),あなたが不注意にもそれをまたいだりすれば,彼はロムルス(注:紀元前771年ー紀元前717年:ローマの建国神話に登場するローマの建設者)がレムス(注:紀元前771年-紀元前753年:ロームルスの双子の兄弟)に腹を立てたように,立腹する。

Truth is important, and imagination is important ‘, but imagination develops earlier in the history of the individual, as in that of the race. So long as the child’s physical needs are attended to, he finds games far more interesting than reality. In games he is a king : indeed, he rules his territory with a power surpassing that of any mere earthly monarch. In reality he has to go to bed at a certain time, and to obey a host of tiresome precepts. He is exasperated when unimaginative adults interfere thoughtlessly with his mise-en-scene. When he has built a wall that not even the biggest giants can scale, and you carelessly step over it, he is as angry as Romulus was with Remus. Seeing that his inferiority to other people is normal, not pathological, its compensation in fantasy is also normal and not pathological. His games do not take up time which might be more profitably spent in other ways: if all his hours were given over to serious pursuits, he would soon become a nervous wreck. An adult who indulges in dreams may be told to exert himself in order to realize them ; but a child cannot yet realize dreams which it is right that he should have. He does not regard his fancies as a permanent substitute for reality ; on the contrary, he ardently hopes to translate them into fact when the time comes.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 5: Play and fancy.



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