
 しかもそのこと(多数決原理)を民主主義者が信じるのは,普通の人の知恵に関するいかなる神秘的概念からではなく,専制的暴力の支配のかわりに法の支配を代置するための,最良の実際的方策としてである。また民主主義者は,民主主義がいかなる時にもいかなる場所においても最良の体制であると必ずしも信じているわけではない。議会制度が成功するために必要な自制心と政治的経験とを欠いている国民は多くあり,そのようなところにおいては,民主主義者は,自分が必要な政治教育を手に入れることを望む一方,挫折することがほとんど確実であるような(民主主義)体制を,時機尚早に,その国民に無理に押し付けることは無益である,と認識するであろう。他の事においてもそうだが,政治においては,決めつけでものごとを扱うのはよくない(it does not do to deal in absolutes)。

And this (= majority rule) he believes not from any mystic conception of the wisdom of the plain man, but as the best practical device for putting the reign of law in place of the reign of arbitrary force. Nor does the democrat necessarily believe that democracy is the best system always and everywhere. There are many nations which lack the self-restraint and political experience that are required for the success of parliamentary institutions, where the democrat, while he would wish them to acquire the necessary political education, will recognize that it is useless to thrust upon them prematurely a system which is almost certain to break down. In politics, as elsewhere, it does not do to deal in absolutes; what is good in one time and place may be bad in another, and what satisfies the political instincts of one nation may to another seem wholly futile. The general aim of the democrat is to substitute government by general assent for government by force, but this requires a population that has undergone a certain kind of training. Given a nation divided into two nearly equal portions which hate each other and long to fly at each other’s throats, that portion which is just less than half will not submit tamely to the domination of the other portion, nor will the portion which is just more than half show, in the moment of victory, the kind of moderation which might heal the breach.
出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946.



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