多くの偉人に見られる残酷的な要素 the happiness of the pig

Pig_roast 明らかにナポレオンが若い時に貧困のため屈辱を受けていなければ,あれほど俗物的にも,好戦的にもならなかったと思われる。ナポレオンが豚の幸福に満足するように導かれていたら,人類にとって幸いだったであろう。多くの偉人の理論と実践(実践と理論)に見られる残酷的な要素は,彼らの生涯(経歴)が,彼らには自覚されないが,若い時になめた不幸に対する世間への復讐に他ならぬという事実に,帰することができる。

Certainly Napoleon would have been neither so snobbish nor so bellicose if he had not in his youth suffered humiliation through poverty. If Napoleon could have been induced to be satisfied with the happiness of the pig, it would have been well for mankind. The element of cruelty in both the practice and the theory of many great men is attributable to the fact that their career, unconsciously to themselves, is their revenge upon the world for what it made them suffer in youth. 出典:hould children be happy? June 1932.


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