We all ought, of course, to be highly virtuous, but the degree to which we ought to proclaim our own virtue depends upon our profession. A horse dealer or a bookmaker is not expected to have an air of piety, a sailor is not expected to be as nice in his diction as a family physician.
The professions in which a man is allowed to behave in a natural manner are, of course, on the whole less lucrative than those in which a high standard of humbug is required. The corporation lawyer, the corrupt politician, and the popular psychiatrist are expected to utter moral sentiments with profound earnestness and great frequency, but in return for this hard work, they are allowed a suitable remuneration.
出典: On being edifying (written in June 11, 1931 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.]
我が子の教育にあたる教師は,高い道徳的な観念を持っていてほしいと多くの親が望みます。しかし,ラッセルが言うように,「正しいことを教える(あるいは説教する)」ことばかりに力をいれる教師は余り良い教師とは言えません。現代日本ではむしろ,受験を意識した「知識の詰め込み」教育をしている教師の方が多いかもしれませんが,ラッセルがこのエッセイでのべているような ,教化(善導)を主張する教育関係者の悪意や迫害性を自覚している人はどれだけいるでしょうか?