
ラッセル『結婚論』第七章 女性の解放, n.10

第七章 女性の解放 n.10: 前進のためにも必要な新しい性道徳


すべての道学者(モラリスト)が,時代遅れの制度への回帰(a system which is as dead as the Dodo/Dodo 飛べなくなってしまった鳥ドードー)を説くことで満足しているかぎり,新しい自由に道徳性を与えたり,それに伴って生じる新しい義務を指摘したりすることは,何びとつできない。私は,新しい制度が古い制度以上に抑制のない衝動への屈服(衝動に身をまかせる)を伴うとは考えないが,衝動を抑制する機会とそうする動機は,過去のものとは違っていなければならない,と考えている。要するに,性道徳の問題全体を,改めて徹底的に検討し直す必要がある。以下のページは,ささやかではあるが,この仕事に寄与しようと意図されたものである。

Chapter VII: The Liberation of women, n.10

It will be seen that there are difficulties and objections whichever course we adopt. If we are to allow the new morality to take its course, it is bound to go farther than it has done, and to raise difficulties hardly as yet appreciated. If, on the other hand, we attempt in the modern world to enforce restrictions which were possible in a former age, we are led into an impossible stringency of regulations, against which human nature would soon rebel. This is so clear that, whatever the dangers or difficulties, we must be content to let the world go forward rather than back. For this purpose we shall need a genuinely new morality. I mean by this that obligations and duties will still have to be recognized, though they may be very different from the obligations and duties recognized in the past. So long as all the moralists content themselves with preaching a return to a system which is as dead as the Dodo, they can do nothing whatever to moralize the new freedom or to point out the new duties which it brings with it. I do not think that the new system, any more than the old, should involve unbridled yielding to impulse, but I think the occasions for restraining impulse and the motives for doing so will have to be different from what they have been in the past. In fact the whole problem of sexual morality needs thinking out afresh. The following pages are intended as a contribution, however humble, to this task.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.
