
BR-1921 私は,回復期の全期間を通して,弱々しく,肉体的には非常に不快であったにもかかわらず,きわめて幸福だった。ドーラ(写真:恋人 Dora Black とともに北京大学にて)は非常に献身的で,不愉快なことはすべて忘れさせてくれた。私の病気の回復期の初めの頃,ドーラは自分が妊娠していることを発見した。そうしてそれは,私たち二人にとって計り知れない幸福の源泉であった。アリス(初婚相手)とリッチモンド・グリーンを散策した時以来,子供がほしいという私の願望は日増しに強まってゆき,とうとう心を焼き尽くすほどの情熱にまでなっていた。私は,自分が生き残っただけでなく,子供を持つことになったことがわかると,回復期間中,もろもろの一連の軽い病気を併発していたにもかかわらず,自分が回復の途上にあるということにはまったく無頓着になった。主な病名は,両側肺炎であったが,それに加えて心臓病,腎臓病,赤痢,静脈炎も併発していた。けれども,そのいずれも,私の申し分のない幸福感を妨げることはなかった。そうして,これらあらゆる陰気な徴侯にもかかわらず,回復後は,いかなる悪い影響も後に残らなかった。

All through the time of my convalescence, in spite of weakness and great physical discomfort, I was exceedingly happy. Dora was very devoted, and her devotion made me forget everything unpleasant. At an early stage of my convalescence Dora discovered that she was pregnant, and this was a source of immense happiness to us both. Ever since the moment when I walked on Richmond Green with Alys, the desire for children had been growing stronger and stronger within me, until at last it had become a consuming passion. When I discovered that I was not only to survive myself, but to have a child, I became completely indifferent to the circumstances of convalescence, although, during convalescence, I had a whole series of minor diseases. The main trouble had been double pneumonia, but in addition to that I had heart disease, kidney disease, dysentery, and phlebitis. None of these, however, prevented me from feeling perfectly happy, and in spite of all gloomy prognostications, no ill effects whatever remained after my recovery.
Lying in my bed feeling that I was not going to die was surprisingly delightful. I had always imagined until then that I was fundamentally pessimistic and did not greatly value being alive. I discovered that in this I had been completely mistaken, and that life was infinitely sweet to me. Rain in Peking is rare, but during my convalescence there came heavy rains bringing the delicious smell of damp earth through the windows, and I used to think how dreadful it would have been to have never smelt that smell again. I had the same feeling about the light of the sun, and the sound of the wind. Just outside my windows were some very beautiful acacia trees, which came into blossom at the first moment when I was well enough to enjoy them. I have known ever since that at bottom I am glad to be alive. Most people, no doubt, always know this, but I did not.
出典: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2 chap. 3: China, 1968]



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