
infants しかし,高等教育を受け,良心的で,あまり忙しくない親たちの場合でさえ,子供たちは,家庭においては,自分たちが必要とするものを保育園におけるほど多く得ることはできない。何よりもまず,同じ年の他の子供たちとの交友が得られない。家族が小人数の場合は、--そういう家族は普通そうであるが--,子供は過度に年長者の注目をあび,その結果,神経質かつおませ(早熟)になりやすい。その上,親たちは,(子どもとの)確実な接触(感)をあたえるところの,多数の子供を扱うという経験を持てない。また,金持ちのみが幼い子供にとって最適の空間と環境を用意することができる。そういうものも,一家族の子供たちのために私的に用意された場合,所有の誇りと優越感を生み出すだけであり,そういう感情は道徳的にはなはだしく有害である。以上のような理由で,どんなに裕福な親であっても,子供が二歳を過ぎてからは,適当な学校が家の近くにあるかぎり,少なくとも一日の何時間かは,子供をそういう学校へやるほうがよい。

nursery-school-infantBut even in the case of parents who are highly educated, conscientious, and not too busy, the children cannot get at home as much of what they need as in a nursery school. First and foremost, they do not get the companionship of other children of the same age. If the family is small, as such families usually are, the children may easily get too much attention from their elders, and may become nervy and precocious in consequence. Moreover, parents cannot have the experience of multitudes of children which gives a sure touch. And only the rich can provide the space and the environment that best suits young children. Such things, if provided privately for one family of children, produce pride of possession and a feeling of superiority, which are extraordinarily harmful morally. For all these reasons, I believe that even the best parents would do well to send their children to a suitable school from the age of two onwards, at least for part of the day–provided such a school existed in their neighbourhood.
* onwards = onward
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 13: Nursery School



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