歴史(歴史書/歴史学)が他の科学と異なる点 -芸術としての歴史)(1)




ある程度まで私はこの態度に共感します。数学者は,決して一般読者を喜ばそうとしてはいけません。自然科学の真面目な面は主に専門家に向けのものでなければなりませんが,自然科学(physical sciences)のより冒険好きな実務家(実践家)は,人をぞくぞくさせるような本を時々書きます。しかしそういった類いの本は,同僚の科学者からは,まともな仕事の一部とはみなされずに,彼らの専門家としての評判を高めるよりはむしろ低くします。




I am approaching the subject of this lecture (essay) with considerable trepidation. I know that among my hearers (readers) there are professional historians whom I greatly respect, and I should not at all wish to seem desirous of instructing them as to how their work should be done. I shall speak (write) as a consumer, not a producer. In shops they have a maxim: “The customer is always right.” But academic persons (among whom I should wish to include myself) are more lordly than shopkeepers: if the consumer does not like what he is offered, that is because he is a Philistine and because he does not know what is good for him. Up to a point I sympathize with this attitude. It would never do for a mathematician to try to please the general reader. The physical sciences in their serious aspects must be addressed primarily to specialists, though their more adventurous practitioners write occasional books designed to make your flesh creep. But such books are not regarded by their fellow scientists as part of their serious work, and detract from, rather than add to, their professional reputation. I think that in this respect history is in a position different from that of mathematics and physical science. There have to be physicists, worse luck, and there have to be mathematicians until calculating machines become cheaper, but when that happy consummation has been reached, there will be no point in teaching anybody to do sums, and the multiplication table can be placed alongside the birch as an out-of-date instrument of education. But history seems to me to be in a different category. The multiplication table, though useful, can hardly be called beautiful. It is seldom that essential wisdom in regard to human destiny is to be found by remembering even its more difficult items. History, on the other hand, is so I shall contend a desirable part of everybody’s mental furniture in the same kind of way as is generally recognized in the case of poetry. If history is to fulfill this function, it can only do so by appealing to those who are not professional historians. I have myself always found very great interest in the reading of history, and I have been grateful to those historians who gave me what I, as a consumer, though not a producer, was looking for in their books. It is from this point of view that I wish to speak (write). I wish to set forth what those who are not historians ought to get from history. And this is a theme upon which you will, I think, admit that non-historians have a right to express an opinion.
出典:History as an art (1954)



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