
しかし,適切に指導すれば,少年や少女に,その退屈な部分を学ぶことの重要性を感じさせることができるし,また,強制しなくてもその部分を学習し終えることができる,と私は信じている。課題(set tasks)の出来不出来に応じて,褒めたり,たしなめたりするという刺激を利用したい。ゲームや体操の場合と同様に,生徒が必要な技能を身につけているかどうかを,あきらかにしなければならない。また,ある科目の退屈な部分の(学習の)重要性も,教師がはっきり説明してあげなければならない。

For reasons already given in connection with accuracy, I do not believe that a really thorough education can be made interesting through and through. However much one may wish to know subject, some parts of it are sure to be found dull. But I believe that, given suitable guidance, a boy or girl can be made to feel the importance of learning the dull parts, and can be got through them also without compulsion. I should use the stimulus of praise and blame, applied as the result of good or bad performance of set tasks. Whether a pupil possesses the necessary skill should be made as obvious as in games or gymnastics. And the importance of the dull parts of a subject should be made clear by the teacher. If all these methods failed, the child would have to be classified as stupid, and taught separately from children of normal intelligence, though care must be taken not to let this appear as a punishment.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles



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