Patriotism of the nationalistic type, so far from being taught in schools, ought to be mentioned as a form of mass-hysteria to which men are unfortunately liable, and against they need to be fortified both intellectually and morally. Nationalism is undoubtedly the most dangerous vice of our time —.
出典: Education and the Social Order, 1932, chap. 10:Patriotism in Education (George Allen and Unwin ed.) p.138.]
郷土愛が延長した形の素朴な愛国心や文化的な愛国心と,国家主義的・政治的な愛国心を区別しないひとが多すぎないか? 気がついた時にはひどいことになっていた,ということにならないためには, ラッセル曰く