恐怖心の克服 Fear should be overcome not only in action, but in feeling

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c126】


‘Always speak the truth except when something frightens you’ was a maxim taught to me in childhood. I cannot admit the exception. Fear should be overcome not only in action, but in feeling; and not only in conscious feeling, but in the unconscious as well. The purely external victory over fear, which satisfies the aristocratic code, leaves the impulse operative underground and produces evil twisted reactions which are not recognised as the offspring of terror.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 2: The Aims of Education
詳細情報: https://russell-j.com/beginner/OE02-130.HTM#r366-c126

「活力」の重要性 Vitality promotes interest in the outside world;

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c125】

Human beings are prone to become absorbed in themselves, unable to be interested in what they see and hear or in anything outside their own skins. This is a great misfortune to themselves, since it entails at best boredom and at worst melancholia; it is also a fatal barrier to usefulness, except in very exceptional cases. Vitality promotes interest in the outside world; it also promotes the power of hard work. Moreover, it is a safeguard against envy, because it makes one’s own existence pleasant. As envy is one of the great sources of human misery, this is a very important merit in vitality.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 2: The Aims of Education
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/OE02-110.HTM#r366-c125
(From: Bertrand Russell: The Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 1953)

人間の理想的な性格 an ideal character

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c124】


I will take four characteristics which seem to me jointly to form the basis of an ideal character; vitality, courage, sensitiveness and intelligence. I do not suggest that this list is complete, but I think it carries us a good way. Moreover, I firmly believe that, by proper physical, emotional and intellectual care of the young, these qualities could all be made very common.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 2: The Aims of Education
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/OE02-110.HTM#r366-c124

教育の目的 a raw material for some scheme

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c123】

Apart from such considerations, children and young people feel instinctively the difference between those who genuinely wish them well and those who regard them merely as a raw material for some scheme. Neither character nor intelligence will develop as well or as freely where the teacher is deficient in love; and love of this kind consists essentially in feeling the child as an end.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 2: The Aims of Education
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/OE02-090.HTM#r366-c123
(From: Bertrand Russell: The Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 1953)

ペリー提督の艦隊到来の衝撃 the impact of the advent of Commodore Perry’s squadron

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c122】

Ever since the advent of Commodore Perry’s squadron, the Japanese have been in a situation in which self-preservation was very difficult; their success affords a justification of their methods, unless we are to hold that self-preservation itself may be culpable. But only a desperate situation could have justified their educational methods, which would have been culpable in any nation not in imminent peril.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 2: The Aims of Education
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/OE02-040.HTMr366-c122

(This, of course, does not apply to the action of Japan in World War II.)
(From: Bertrand Russell: The Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 1953)

良い習慣を身につける重要性 good habits

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c121】


they(children) have, as a rule, impulses which can be developed in good or bad directions according to the situations in which they find themselves. Moreover, they are at an age at which the formation of new habits is still easy; and good habits can make a great part of virtue almost automatic.
 出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 1: Postulates of modern educational theory.
 詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/OE01-130.HTM#r366-c121

正常な子供が皆持っている学びたいという自発的な願望 Chekhov’s kitten

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c120-2】


But if the knowledge imparted is worthless, and those who impart it appear as cruel tyrants, the child will naturally behave like Chekhov’s kitten. The spontaneous wish to learn, which every normal child possesses, as shown in its efforts to walk and talk, should be the driving-force in education. The substitution of this driving-force for the rod is one of the great advances of our time.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 1: Postulates of modern educational theory.
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/OE01-120.HTM#r366-c120-2

(From: Bertrand Russell: The Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 1953)

幼児期の幸福の重要性 Happiness in childhood is absolutely necessary

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c120】

Happiness in childhood is absolutely necessary to the production of the best type of human being.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 1: Postulates of modern educational theory.
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/OE01-120.HTM#r366-c120

“高潔な”人々が犯してきた罪 sins which upright men have been guilty

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c119】

I shudder when I think of the wars, the tortures, the oppressions, of which upright men have been guilty, under the impression that they were righteously castigating ‘moral evil’.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 1:     Postulates of modern educational theory.

(From: Bertrand Russell’s The Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 953)

正しい躾 the right discipline

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c118】

The fundamental idea is simple: that the right discipline consists, not in external compulsion, but in habits of mind which lead spontaneously to desirable rather than undesirable activities.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 1: Postulates of modern educational theory.
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/OE01-090.HTM#r366-c118

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