余暇時間の活用法を知らなければ・・・ how to use leisure time

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c117】

‘余暇(時間)’と’健康’を努力して獲得したとしても,誰もそれらの活用(の仕方)を心に留めない(注意を払わない)とすれば,それらに,いかなる善さがあるというのだろうか? 物理的な害悪との闘いは,他のすべての闘い同様,人間が平和な学問や芸術にたずさわれなくなるほどの激しさをもって行なわれてはならない。究極的な価値として世界が所有しているものを,害悪との闘いの中で消滅させてはならない。
What will be the good of the conquest of leisure and health, if no one remembers how to use them? The war against physical evil, like every other war, must not be conducted with such fury as to render men incapable of the arts of peace. What the world possesses of ultimate good must not be allowed to perish in the struggle against evil.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 1: Postulates of modern educational theory.
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/OE01-060.HTM#r366-c117

教育の目的 education as a means to produce the power of independent judgement

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c116】

There can be no agreement between those who regard education as a means of instilling certain definite beliefs, and those who think that it should produce the power of independent judgement.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Introduction.
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/OE-PREF.HTM#r366-c116

ラッセル『結婚論』 Russell’s Marriage and Morals

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c115】

児への感染源となるとのこと。) 1940年にニューヨークにいた私に対する攻撃材料を提供したのは,主にこの本であった。本書において私は,完全な貞節というものはほとんどの結婚において期待できないが,婚外の恋愛が生じたとしても,夫婦は良い関係を維持できなければならない,という見解を展開した。だが私は
In 1929, I published Marriage and Morals, which I dictated while recovering from whooping-cough. (Owing to my age, my trouble was not diagnosed until I had infected most of the children in the school.) It was this book chiefly which, in 1940, supplied material for the attack on me in New York. In it, I developed the view that complete fidelity was not to be expected in most marriages, but that a husband and wife ought to be able to remain good friends in spite of affairs. I did not maintain, however, that a marriage could with advantage be prolonged if the wife had a child or children of whom the husband was not the father; in that case, I thought, divorce was desirable. I do not know what I think now about the subject of marriage. There seem to be insuperable objections to every general theory about it. Perhaps easy divorce causes less unhappiness than any other system, but I am no longer capable of being dogmatic on the subject of marriage.
出典: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2 chap. 4:Second Marriage, 1968]
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/AB24-100.HTM#r366-c115

親としての感情 Parental feeling

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c114-2】


Parental feeling, as I have experienced it, is very complex. There is, first and foremost, sheer animal affection, and delight in watching what is charming in the ways of the young. Next, there is the sense of inescapable responsibility, providing a purpose for daily activities which scepticism does not easily question. Then there is an egoistic element, which is very dangerous: the hope that one’s children may succeed where one has failed, that they may carry on one’s work when death or senility puts an end to one’s own efforts, and, in any case, that they will supply a biological escape from death, making one’s own life part of the whole stream, and not a mere stagnant puddle without any overflow into the future. All this I experienced, and for some years it filled my life with happiness and peace.
From: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2 chap. 4:Second Marriage, 1968]
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/AB24-010.HTM#r366-c114-2

子供を持ちたいという欲求 my desire for children

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c114】

Ever since the day, in the summer of 1894, when I walked with Alys on Richmond Green after hearing the medical verdict, I had tried to suppress my desire for children. It had, however, grown continually stronger, until it had become almost insupportable. When my first child was born, in November 1921, I felt an immense release of pent-up emotion, and during the next ten years my main purposes were parental.
From: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2 chap. 4:Second Marriage, 1968]
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/AB24-010.HTM#r366-c114

子どもを持ちたいという強い欲求 my desire for parenthood

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c113】


Dora and I became lovers when she came to Lulworth, and the parts of the summer during which she was there were extraordinarily delightful. The chief difficulty with Colette had been that she was unwilling to have children, and that I felt if I was ever to have children I could not put it off any longer. Dora was entirely willing to have children, with or without marriage, and from the first we used no precautions. She was a little disappointed to find that almost immediately our relations took on all the character of marriage, and when I told her that I should be glad to get a divorce and marry her, she burst into tears, feeling, I think, that it meant the end of independence and light-heartedness. But the feeling we had for each other seemed to have that kind of stability that made any less serious-relation impossible. Those who have known her only in her public capacity would scarcely credit the quality of elfin charm which she possessed whenever the sense of responsibility did not weigh her down. Bathing by moonlight, or running with bare feet on the dewy grass, she won my imagination as completely as on her serious side she appealed to my desire for parenthood and my sense of social responsibility.
From: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2 chap. 2:Russia, 1968]
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/AB22-030.HTM#r366-c113

獄中で嫉妬心に悩まされる being tormented by jealousy

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c112】

(ラッセル注:後になって,私は,次のようなことをはっきり理解した。即ち,私が強い感情を抱いたのは,単に嫉妬からだけではなく --私がコレットとの間に存在していると感じていたような,非常に深くまじめな関係の場合にはよくあるように-- 協力関係がこわされたという意識(思い)と同時に, --その数年間にきわめて頻繁にまたいろいろな形で起こったことであるが--,聖域が冒涜されたという意識(思い)からであった。)

There was only one thing that made me mind being in prison, and that was connected with Colette. Exactly a year after I had fallen in love with her, she fell in love with someone else, though she did not wish it to make any difference in her relations with me. I, however, was bitterly jealous.
* Later I recognised the fact that my feeling sprang not only from jealousy, but also, as is often the case in so deeply serious a relationship as I felt ours to be, from a sense both of collaboration broken and, as happened so often and in so many ways during these years, of the sanctuary defiled.
I had the worst opinion of him, not wholly without reason. We had violent quarrels, and things were never again quite the same between us. While I was in prison, I was tormented by jealousy the whole time, and driven wild by the sense of impotence. I did not think myself justified in feeling jealousy, which I regarded as an abominable emotion, but none the less it consumed me. When I first had occasion to feel it, it kept me awake almost the whole of every night for a fortnight, and at the end I only got sleep by getting a doctor to prescribe sleeping-draughts. I recognise now that the emotion was wholly foolish, and that Colette’s feeling for me was sufficiently serious to persist through any number of minor affairs. But I suspect that the philosophical attitude which I am now able to maintain in such matters is due less to philosophy than to physiological decay. The fact was, of course, that she was very young, and could not live continually in the atmosphere of high seriousness in which I lived in those days. But although I know this now, I allowed jealousy to lead me to denounce her with great violence, with the natural result that her feelings towards me were considerably chilled. We remained
lovers until 1920, but we never recaptured the perfection of the first year.
出典: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2 chap. 1: The First War, 1968]
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/AB21-310.HTM#r366-c112

レッド・ツェッペリン及びコレットとの恋愛 a Zeppelin falling in flames

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c111】

彼女(女優コレット・オニール=自由恋愛論者のコンスタンス・マレソン夫人)は非常に若かったが,オットリンと同じくらいすばらしい,落ち着いた勇気をもっていることがわかった。(‘勇気’は,私が真剣に愛そうとする女性には不可欠な性質である。) 私たちは,夜中まで語り合った。そして語りあううちに恋人同志になった。分別を持つべきだと言う人たちがいるが,私はそういう人の言うことには同意できない。私たちはお互い相手のことをほとんど知らなかったが,それにもかかわらず,あの瞬間において,二人の間に,きわめて真剣かつ,きわめて重大で,時に幸福で,時に苦痛である関係が始まった。だが,二人の関係は,大戦と結びついた巨大な大衆感情と同列に置く価値がないほど,とるにたらないものでも無価値なものでも決してなかった。事実,第一次大戦は,最初から最後まで,私たち二人の恋愛の織物の中に織り込まれた。私が彼女と初めて肉体関係を持った時 (私たちが最初に恋人同士となった夜は,話すべきことが多すぎたために肉体関係は持たなかった。), 突如として獣のような勝利の叫び声が通りから聞こえてきた。私はすぐにベッドから飛び起きた。そして(ドイツの)ツェッペリン飛行船が炎に包まれながら墜落するのを見た。勇敢な飛行士が苦悶しながら死につつあるという思いが,群集に’勝利の喜び’をもたらした全てであった(それ以外の何物でもなかった。)。その瞬間において,コレットの愛(のみ)が私の心の避難所であった。それは,逃れられない残酷さそのものからではなく,人間とはなんであるかということを悟ることによる’魂を切り刻む激しい苦痛’からの避難所であった。

She was very young, but I found her possessed of a degree of calm courage as great as Ottoline’s (courage is a quality that I find essential in any woman whom I am to love seriously). We talked half the night, and in the middle of talk became lovers. There are those who say that one should be prudent, but I do not agree with them. We scarcely knew each other, and yet in that moment there began for both of us a relation profoundly serious and profoundly important, sometimes happy, sometimes painful, but never trivial and never unworthy to be placed alongside of the great public emotions connected with the War. Indeed, the War was bound into the texture of this love from first to last. The first time that I was ever in bed with her (we did not go to bed the first time we were lovers, as there was too much to say), we heard suddenly a shout of bestial triumph in the street. I leapt (= leaped) out of bed and saw a Zeppelin falling in flames. The thought of brave men dying in agony was what caused the triumph in the street. Colette’s love was in that moment a refuge to me, not from cruelty itself, which was unescapable, but from the agonising (= agonizing) pain of realising that that is what men are.
[From: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 1: The First War, 1968]
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/AB21-190.HTM#r366-c111
(From: Bertrand Russell: The Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 1953))

女性によって影響を受けることを怖れる男性 to be afraid of being influenced by women

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c110】

She (= Ottoine Morrell)  made me much less of a Puritan, and much less censorious than I had been. And of course the mere fact of happy love after the empty years made everything easier. Many men are afraid of being influenced by women, but as far as my experience goes, this is a foolish fear.
It seems to me that men need women, and women need men, mentally as much as physically. For my part, I owe a great deal to women whom I have loved, and without them I should have been far more narrow-minded.
[From: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 7:  Cambridge Again, 1967]
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/AB17-050.HTM#r366-c110

スタッドランドで過ごした3昼夜 The three days and nights that I spent at Studland

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c109】

<以下は,特にwhen life seemed all that it might be, but hardly ever is. のところは,誤訳の可能性があります。正しい訳のわかる方は,正しいと思われる訳文だけではなく,どうしてそういう訳になるかご教授いただければ幸いです。>

From this scene I went straight to Studland, still believing that I had cancer. At Swanage, I obtained an old-fashioned fly with an incredibly slow horse. During his leisurely progress up and down the hills, my impatience became almost unendurable. At last, however, I saw Ottoline sitting in a pine-wood beside the road, so I got out, and let the fly go on with my luggage.
The three days and nights that I spent at Studland remain in my memory as among the few moments when life seemed all that it might be, but hardly ever is.
出典: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 7: Cambridge Again, 1967]
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/AB17-040.HTM#r366-c109

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