権力者は受動的な国民を好む the authorities like passivity

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c141】

To avoid too much passivity is an educational problem. It demands, in play, the absence of elaborate apparatus and no undue respect for exceptional skill; in work, encouragement of active investigation rather than mere listening to knowledge imparted by means of lectures. Unfortunately the authorities like passivity because it is convenient.
出典:Are we too passive? (written in Feb. 3, 1932 and published in Mortals and Others</strong>, v.1, 1975)
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/PASSIVE.HTM#r366-c141
(Illustration from: Bertrand Russell: The Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 1953)

子供好きな賢い人 a well-informed person who is fond of children

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c140】

The ignorant person with affection is perhaps better for an infant than a well-informed person who has no heart; but a well-informed person who is fond of children is much better than either.
出典:Marriage (written in Nov. 13th, 1931 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/MARRIAGE.HTM#r366-c140

最も望ましい人間像 the best sort of person

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c139】

In order to prove to them that virtue is unpleasant, education authorities try to provide teachers who shall be at once unpleasant and virtuous. For my part I have a different view as to the best sort of person. I think people should be jolly, and cheerful, and kindly, and more inclined to say ‘Yes’ than to say ‘No’; those who say ‘No’ to themselves generally feel that this gives them a right to say ‘No’ to others, especially to children.
 出典: Who may use lipstick? (written in Sept. 14, 1931 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.)
 詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/KUTIBENI.HTM#r366-c139

臆病な暴君 timid tyrants

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c138-2】

what a man has suffered from his father he inflicts upon his son, and the humiliations which he remembers having endured at his public school he passes on to ‘natives’ when he becomes an empire-builder. Thus an unduly authoritative education turns the pupils into timid tyrants, incapable of either claiming or tolerating originality in word or deed. The effect upon the educators is even worse: they tend to become sadistic disciplinarians, glad to inspire terror, and content to inspire nothing else. As these men represent knowledge, the pupils acquire a horror of knowledge, which, among the English upper-class, is supposed to be part of human nature, but is really part of the well-grounded hatred of the
authoritarian pedagogue.
出典: In Praise of Idleness, 1935, chap. 12: Education and Discipline
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/cool/32T-1201.HTM#r366-c138-2

権力に従順な人間 The submissive

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c138】

The submissive lose initiative, both in thought and action; moreover, the anger generated by the feeling of being thwarted tends to find an outlet in bullying those who are weaker. That is why tyrannical institutions are self-perpetuating:
 出典: In Praise of Idleness, 1935, chap. 12: Education and Discipline
 詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/cool/32T-1201.HTM#r366-c138

(支配者に都合の良い) 競争の哲学 Belief in the sovereign virtues of competition

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c137】

競争は最高の徳であるという信仰(思い込み)のため,少年少女も青年も,酷すぎる緊張を伴うようなものに従事させられるべきではないということに,誰も思いいたらなかった。たとえ,緊張はただ知的なものだけでさえも,十分悪いが,(実際は)さらに感情的な緊張も加わるのである。即ち,少年でも少女でもその子の全将来は -経済的な将来だけでなく社会的な将来も- 長い間の準備のあとのほんの短時間の試験で左右されてしまう(という感情的な緊張がある)のである。・・・。眼前の二者択一に面して,彼は不安にかられながら勉強するがしかしその方法は賢明ではないのは確かである。また彼の教育が完成する前に,精神的な弾力性は失われてしまうのも確かなことである。
Belief in the sovereign virtues of competition prevented anyone from reflecting that boys and girls and adolescents ought not to be subjected to the very severe strain involved. If the strain were only intellectual it would be bad enough, but it is also emotional: the whole future of a boy or girl, not only economically, but socially, turns upon success in a brief test after long preparation.  …
With this alternative before him, he is almost certain to work anxiously but not wisely, and to destroy his mental resiliency before his education is finished.
* relisilence (名):弾力;跳ね返り
出典: Education and the Social Order, 1932, chap.12: Competition in Education.
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/cool/30T-1201.HTM#r366-c137
(Illustration from: Bertrand Russell: The Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 1953)

国際委員会による世界史教科書の編纂 neutral textbooks free from the patriotic bias

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c136】

The false ideas as to the history of the world which are taught in the various countries are of a kind which encourages strife and serves to keep alive a bigoted nationalism. If good relations between States were desired, one of the first steps ought to be to submit all teaching of history to an international commission, which should produce neutral textbooks free from the patriotic bias which is now demanded
出典: Principles of Social Reconstruction, 1916, chap. 5:Education.
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/cool/10T-0501.HTM#r366-c136-2
(Illustration from: Bertrand Russell: The Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 1953)

国威発揚のために to promote national pride

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c136】

Every State wishes to promote national pride, and is conscious that this cannot be done by unbiased history. The defenceless children are taught by distortions and suppressions and suggestions.
* defenceless = defenseless
出典: Principles of Social Reconstruction, 1916, chap. 5:Education.
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/cool/10T-0501.HTM#r366-c136

不快(かつ不都合な)真実 disagreeable truths

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c135】


They (= Children) have a dislike of humbug, which usually disappears in later life. The habit of screening them from the knowledge of disagreeable truths is not adopted for their sakes although adults may think it is ; it is adopted because adults themselves find candour painful.
出典: On protecting children from reality (written in Oct. 5, 1932 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.)]
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/CHILD-P.HTM#r366-c135
(Illustration from: Bertrand Russell: The Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 1953)

協力の美徳 the virtue of co-operation

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c134】

In these days, under the influence of democracy, the virtue of co-operation has taken the place formerly held by obedience. The old-fashioned schoolmaster would say of a boy that he was disobedient;the modern schoolmistress says of an infant that he is non-co-operative. It means the same thing: the child, in either case, fails to do what the teacher wishes, but in the first case the teacher acts as the government and in the second as the representative of the People, i.e. of the other children.
出典: Of co-operation (written in May 18, 1932 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.)]
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/KYORYOKU.HTM#r366-c134
(Illustration from: Bertrand Russell: The Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 1953)

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