insincerity 偽善(言行不一致)

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c107】


Although my self-righteousness at that time seems to me in retrospect repulsive, there were substantial grounds for my criticisms. She tried to be more impeccably virtuous than is possible to human beings, and was thus led into insincerity. Like her brother Logan, she was malicious, and liked to make people think ill of each other, but she was not aware of this, and was instinctively subtle in her methods. She would praise people in such a way as to cause others to admire her generosity, and think worse of the people praised than if she had criticised them. Often malice made her untruthful. She told Mrs. Whitehead that I couldn’t bear children, and that the Whitehead children must be kept out of my way as much as possible. At the same time she told me that Mrs. Whitehead was a bad mother because she saw so little of her children. During my bicycle ride a host of such things occurred to me, and I became aware that she was not the saint I had always supposed her to be. But in the revulsion I went too far, and forgot the great virtues that she did in fact possess.
 出典: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 6:        Principia Mathematica, 1967]

ある日突然 Suddenly, I realised that I no longer loved Alys.

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c106】

I went out bicycling one afternoon, and suddenly, as I was riding
along a country road, I realised that I no longer loved Alys. I had
had no idea until this moment that my love for her was even lessening.
The problem presented by this discovery was very grave. …
[From: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 6: Principia Mathematica, 1967]

自由恋愛論者なのに・・・ an advocate of free-love

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c105】

私よりも彼女(アリス/初婚相手)の方が,(愛情がなくなった場合の)離婚により賛成であった。彼女は,理論上は,自由恋愛の信奉者(自由恋愛論者)であり -私自身は自由恋愛に対し,アリスよりも厳しい見方をしていたけれども,- 私はそのことを彼女の称賛すべき点と考えた。けれども,彼女の姉(Mary Costelloe/旧姓 Mary Pearsal Smith)が夫を捨て,美術評論家のベレンソン(Bernard Berenson,1865-1959)のもとにいったことを,彼女が深く恥じているのを知り,(彼女の日頃の主張と異なるので)私は少し当惑した。実際,彼女がベレンソンを認めることに同意したのは,私たちが結婚した後のことであった。
… and (we) discussed divorce, to which she was more favourable than I was. She was in theory an advocate of free-love, which I considered admirable on her part, in spite of the fact that my own views were somewhat more strict. I was, however, a little puzzled to find that she was deeply ashamed of the fact that her sister had abandoned her husband for Berenson, the art critic. Indeed, it was not till after
we were married that she consented to know Berenson.
[From: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 4: Engagement, 1967]