好奇心の死 the country is going to the dogs

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c131】

動物,機械,雷雨,及び,あらゆる種類の手細工が子供の好奇心をかき立てる。子供の旺盛な知識欲(知識に対する渇望)は,最も知的なおとなもしのぐ。この衝動は,年をとるにつれて弱くなり,ついには,おなじみでないものは嫌悪感を抱かせるだけで,もっとよく知りたいという欲望はまったく抱かなくなる。人々が,この国は没落しつつある(going to the dogs)とか,「いろんなことが,自分の若い頃とは違ってしまっている」などと言い出すのは,この段階である。遠い昔と同じでない(変わってしまった)のは,そのようなことを言い出す人の好奇心である。また,好奇心の死とともに,活発な知性も死んでしまったと結論を下してもよいだろう。

Animals, machines, thunderstorms, and all forms of manual work, arouse the curiosity of children, whose thirst for knowledge puts the most intelligent adults to shame. This impulse grows weaker with advancing years, until at last what is unfamiliar inspires only disgust, with no desire for a closer acquaintance. This is the stage at which people announce that the country is going to the dogs, and that ‘things are not what they were in my young days’. The thing which is not the same as it was in that far-off time is the speaker’s curiosity. And with the death of curiosity we may reckon that active intelligence, also, has died.
But although curiosity lessens in intensity and in extent after childhood, it may for a long time improve in quality.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 2: The Aims of Education
詳細情報: https://russell-j.com/beginner/OE02-190.HTM#r366-c131
(Illustration from: Bertrand Russell: The Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 1953)
