【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c103-2】
… and a certain amount of social separateness of husband and wife is necessary if they are not to become dull and incapable of finding anything to say to each other. In this respect, however, a better convention is rapidly spreading.
From: Mortals and Others; Bertrand Russell’s American Essays, 1931-1935, v.1, 1975.
詳細情報: https://russell-j.com/MARRIAGE.HTM#r366-c103-2

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c103】
Many husbands and many wives will forgo their own pleasures out of jealousy of the pleasures that they imagine their partners as desiring. It is much more harmful to object to other people’s pleasures than it is to be a trifle selfish in pursuing one’s own.
出典:Marriage, in Mortals and Others; Bertrand Russell’s American Essays, v.1, 1975.
詳細情報: https://russell-j.com/MARRIAGE.HTM#r366-c103
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