隷属の見返りに安心感を与える to give safety in return for servitude

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c165】


All sorts of intellectual systems – Christianity, Socialism, Patriotism, etc. – are ready, like orphan asylums, to give safety in return for servitude. A free mental life cannot be as warm and
comfortable and sociable as a life enveloped in a creed: only a creed can give the feeling of a cosy fireside while the winter storms are raging without.
This brings us to a somewhat difficult question: to what extent should the good life be emancipated from the herd?
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, chap. 2: The Aims of Education


寛容さを増す最善の方法 The best way to increase toleration

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c164】

The only ultimate cure for this evil (social persecution) is, however, an increase of toleration on the part of the public. The best way to increase toleration is to multiply the number of individuals who enjoy real happiness and do not therefore find their chief pleasure in the infliction of pain upon their fellow-men.
出典:Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930,chap.9:
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/HA19-070.HTM#r366-c164

(Illustration from: Bertrand Russell’s The Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 1953)

男に都合の良い「知能の基準(尺度)」 a standard of intelligence

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c163】

Men have set a standard of intelligence and have instinctively set it to suit themselves; they have created a mechanical civilisation which largely ignores human values. Women left to themselves would, I believe, never have invented machines. But if they had been able freely to contribute to the sum total of civilisation, they would not have forgotten to preserve what is valuable in human life and would not have been led astray, as men have been, by a blind worship of mechanical ingenuity.
出典:On mental differences between boys and girls、Apr. 6, 1932. In: Mortal and Others, v.1 (1975)
詳細情報: https://russell-j.com/BOY-GAL.HTM#r366-c163

他者の視点で見る As others see us

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c162】

他人がどのように感ずるかを知りたいと思えば,我々はその人の立場に立って,その人の物の見方で世界を見るようにしなければならない。だが他人が何をするかを知りたければ,我々はちょうど天文学者が月や木星を観測するように,その人をまったく外側から見る方が賢明だということがわかるだろう。この2つの視点の違いは,国家の行動に関する場合,非常にはっきりする。 たとえば,インド(注:英国統治時代の)におけるイギリス人の行動を例にしてみよう。たいていのイギリス人には,インド在住のイギリス人は,蒙昧主義,不寛容,迷信に真っ向から対抗して,勇ましく,文明の光があたるところを広げようと闘っているようにみえる。(これに対し)イギリス人でないほとんどの人々には,インドにいるイギリス人は,権力をふるい,貢ぎ物を強引にとりたてる残忍な専制君主に映る。インド在住のイギリス人がどのように感じているかを知りたければ,イギリスの視点(立場)に立たなければならない。だが,イギリス人がインドでやっっていることを知りたければイギリス以外の世界の視点に立たなければならない。同様のことが,ハイチや中央アメリカにおけるアメリカ人の行動や,帝国主義者が行っていること一般について言えるだろう。
If you want to understand what a man feels, you must learn to put yourself inside his skin and to see the world from his point of view. But if you want to know what he would do, you will find it wiser to regard him quite externally, as an astronomer regards the moon or the planet Jupiter. The difference between the two points of view comes out most clearly where the acts of nations are concerned. Take, for example, the behaviour of the British in India. To most English people it seems that Anglo-Indians have been struggling heroically to spread the light of civilisation in the face of obscurantism, intolerance and superstition. To almost everybody who is not British, the British appear in India as brutal tyrants, enjoying power and extracting tribute. If you wish to know how an Anglo-Indian feels, you must adopt the British point of view; whereas if you want to know what he does, you must adopt the point of view of the rest of the world. The same thing may be said of the doings of Americans in Haiti and Central America, and of imperialist doings generally.
出典:As others see us, Mar. 23,1932. In: Mortals and Others, v.1 (1975)
詳細情報: https://russell-j.com/AS-O-SEE.HTM#r366-c162
(Illustration from: Bertrand Russell’s The Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 1953)

理性的な心理の働き  the function of a rational psychology

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c161】

To find ways of minimizing hatred and envy is no doubt part of the function of a rational psychology. But it is a mistake to suppose that in minimizing these passions we shall at the same time diminish the strength of those passions which reason does not condemn. In passionate love, in parental affection, in friendship, in benevolence, in devotion to science or art, there is nothing that reason should wish to diminish. The rational man, when he feels any or all of these emotions, will be glad that he feels them and will do nothing to lessen their strength, for all these emotions are parts of the good life, the life, that is, that makes for happiness both in oneself and in others.
出典:The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap. 7: The sense of sin
詳細情報: https://russell-j.com/beginner/HA17-090.HTM#r366-c161


罪の意識 the sense of sin

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c160】

As a matter of fact the sense of sin, so far from being a cause of a good life, is quite the reverse. It makes a man unhappy and it makes him feel inferior. Being unhappy, he is likely to make claims upon other people which are excessive and which prevent him from enjoying happiness in personal relations. Feeling inferior, he will have a grudge against those who seem superior.
出典:Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap.7: The sense of sin.」


(Illustration from: Bertrand Russell: Nightmares of Eminent Persons, 1954)

自殺と人命尊重 the sacredness of human life?

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c159】

The subject of suicide is apt to be considered not on its merits but in relation to what is called the sacredness of human life. I find, however, that it is illegal to take this phrase seriously, since those who do so are compelled to condemn war. So long as war remains part of our institutions it is mere hypocrisy to invoke the sacredness of human life against those unfortunates whose misery leads them to attempts suicide.
出典:Illegal? , Mar. 9, 1932. In: Mortal and Others; Bertrand Russell’s American Essays 1931-1935, v.1 (1975)
(Illustration from: Bertrand Russell’s The Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 1953)
“自殺” についての考え方・感じ方は,国・地域や文化によりかなり異なっている。日本社会においては,自殺の理由がなんであれ,自殺した人間に対して憐憫の情を覚える人が多いが,欧米特に米国においては,自殺未遂者に対する目は厳しいようだ。
西洋社会(キリスト教社会?)にあってラッセルのような見方をする人は多くないようだが,日本人は共感する人が多いのではないだろうか。人命の尊重を最重要だと主張し,自殺を潔しとしない人や社会は,(大量死をもたらす)戦争及び戦争の危険性をます軍拡競争に対しては猛反対をしなくてはならないはずである。そうでないとしたら,ラッセルが言うように その人や社会は ‘偽善的である’ と言わざるを得ない。

労働の成果を楽しむ to enjoy the produce of human labour

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c158】

The habit of work has become ingrained in the greater part of the human species and not only the habit of work but, what is worse, the habit of looking for ways by which work can be made more productive. Nobody has thought for a moment that it might be a good thing if somebody could enjoy the produce of human labour. Our morality is ascetic, which makes us regard work as a virtue; it follows that production is good and consumption is bad. This ascetic twist has produced a world system in which half the world is poor because it
produces too much and the other half because it consumes too little.
出典:Is the world going mad? , Jan. 20, 1932.
In: Mortals and Others; Bertrand Russell’s American
v.1 (1975)
詳細情報: https://russell-j.com/GO-MAD.HTM#r366-c158

犯罪防止のための2つの必要条件 two requisites to prevent crime

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c157】

To prevent crime there are therefore two requisites : one is to make crime contrary to self-interest, and this is a matter for the criminal law and the police ; the other is to give men that degree of self-control and sound judgement which will enable them to act in accordance with their own interests – this is a matter for the psychologist. But in
neither department has the moralist anything useful to contribute.
出典:Are criminals worse than other people?, Oct. 29,
1932. In: Mortals and Others, 1975.
詳細情報: https://russell-j.com/CRIMINAL.HTM#r366-c157


自由の愛好者であるかどうか調べる真のテスト the true test of a lover of freedom

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c156-3】

I should not like it to be thought that I favour polygamy, but the true test of a lover of freedom comes only in relation to things that he dislikes. To tolerate what you like is easy. It is toleration of what you dislike that characterizes the liberal attitude.
出典: What is Freedom? (1952)
(Illustration from: Bertrand Russell’s The Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 1953)

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