井の中の蛙 A frog in the well does not know the sea

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c078-2】

It is very easy to become so absorbed in our own pursuits, our own circle, our own type of work, that we forget how small a part this is of the total of human activity and how many things in the world are entirely unaffected by what we do.
From: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap. 15:Impersonal interests
http://russell-j.com/beginner/HA26-020.HTM# r366-c078

非個人的な興味の効用 The uses of impersonal interests

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c078】

All impersonal interests, apart from their importance as relaxation, have various other uses. To begin with, they help a man to retain his sense of proportion.
From: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap. 15:Impersonal interests
http://russell-j.com/beginner/HA26-020.HTM# r366-c078