
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 dokushu 03 - find, realize (realise), recognize (recognise), notice の違い/使い分け


p.214: 次に find と realize と recognize をどう使い分けるか考えてみよう。この場合も、目的語や、重ねて使われる類義語や修飾語に注目するとよいであろう。
 acknowledge, reward という動詞や independence という名詞と一緒によく使われるものはどれだろうか? fully や suddenly などの副詞と一緒によく使われるのはどれだろうか? search や try などと並べて使われることがよくあるのはどれだろうか?

find は「(偶然または努力して)気づく」「(偶然または努力して)見つける」
 realize は「(頭で考えて認識するという意味での)気づく」=「理解する」「認識する」
 recognize は「(知っている情報を元に)気づく」「認知する」「認める」
 notice は、五感を通じて、見たり・聞いたり・感じたりして「(ハッと)気づく」】


あるいは アマゾンで購入
After two or three years of introspection, however, I suddenly realised that, as it is the only method of obtaining a great deal of important knowledge, it ought not to be condemned as morbid.
 出典:ラッセル『自伝』第1巻 第2章青年期

When we are liberated by this negative emotion, we are able to realize more fully, through music or poetry, through history or science, through beauty or through pain, that the really valuable things in human life are individual, not such things as happen on a battlefield or in the clash of politics or in the regimented march of masses of men towards an externally imposed goal.

If a man is a genius whom the age will not recognise, he is quite right to persist in his course in spite of lack of recognition. If, on the other hand, he is an untalented person puffed up with vanity, he will do well not to persist.

So far as the acquisition of book-learning is concerned, it is recognised that children can acquire it better from those who have it than from a mother who does not have it.

I continued my search, as I have done since, to find fresh approaches through which to try to sway public opinion, including governmental opinion.

The consequence is that adults have slipshod habits of mind and cease to notice distortions of fact which have a sinister motive.