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* 原著:The decay of intellectual standards, by Bertrand Russell
* Source: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975

* 改訳しました。(2011.2.27)






Modern life is adapted to labour-saving devices. We move by mechanical traction instead of by the muscles of horses; we use elevators and escalators in place of our own legs; the cook uses powders out of a tin and gives notice if asked to make soup in the old way. In former times the labour of ploughing and reaping was very severe and was celebrated in verse by poets who were exempt from honest toil; nowadays, the ploughman sits at his ease on a machine. All that part of human labour which consists in altering the position of matter in space has become immeasurably less irksome than it used to be. In comparison with the past, modern life, from a muscular point of view, is one long holiday.

There is a tendency to expect the same diminution of effort in intellectual matters. The hard work of school was formerly taken for granted since it was assumed that all work must be hard. Nowadays, there is the opposite feeling, that all work ought to be easy. A great deal of school work, it is true, used to be made unnecessarily difficult by bad methods of teaching. But however excellent the methods of teaching may be, there is much that cannot be learned without severe effort on the part of the pupil. Many modern educators resent this fact and tend to undervalue those parts of scholastic training that cannot be made easy. I do not know how it may be in America, but in England school inspectors report that arithmetical work, for example, is less accurate than it was thirty years ago. This particular change is not to be regretted since elementary schools in England have always been inclined to lay too much stress on arithmetic. But in other directions the decay of accuracy is more serious.
A simple experiment will enable the reader to judge the accuracy of his friends. Ask them the titles of the books they have read during the last few months, and you will find, almost invariably, that they make mistakes. They will make mistakes about the names and addresses of their acquaintances, except those they know very well. Whenever a fact is just so and is not a matter of sentiment or opinion, you will find that it is not accurately remembered. This is connected with the 'soft' character of modern education. Most of what was formerly taught was useless in itself but had the merit of teaching accuracy. What is taught in up-to-date schools is often worth knowing on its own account but is usually taught in such a way that the pupils do not know it at the end. The consequence is that adults have slipshod habits of mind and cease to notice distortions of fact which have a sinister motive.
The modern youth who intends to adopt a profession tends to be idle at school and only to begin hard work when he embarks upon technical training. In law school or medical school he exerts himself to acquire knowledge because it has for him an obvious economic utility. But in the earlier years of his so-called education he has managed to remain ignorant. A few boys and girls like the acquisition of knowledge, but they are exceptional.
I think educational reformers have perhaps, in a reaction against the foolish severity of the past, overlooked the fact that it is every man's duty to work and that youth cannot be regarded solely as a time for play but must also have its serious side as preparation for adult work. If youth is all play, work will afterwards be resented. And, in particular, the modern world, being more complex than the world of former times, demands more intellectual training of the citizen. The decay of intellectual standards is therefore doubly unfortunate and is certainly one of the causes of the bad state of the world.