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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

ラッセル英単語熟語-索引  類義語-索引

バートランド・ラッセルの英語「類義語シリーズ」- forbid / prohibit / ban



(1-1) Mother forbade the little girls to leave the house at night.

(1-2) Smoking is forbidden in the workroom.

(2-1) The use of narcotics is prohibited by law in this country.

(2-2) The statute prohibits the employment of children under 16 years.

(3-1) The movie became a rage in Paris because it had been banned in America.

(3-2) The book was banned on the ground of obscenity but the ban was lifted two months later for some reason.


The Church forbade the teaching of the Copernican system as true in all learned and educational institutions that it could control.

We know why Mohammedans will not make images of animals or human beings; it is because the Prophet forbade them to do so.

Perhaps the long ages during which pork had been prohibited had made it seem to the Jews as delicious as fornication.
[もしかすると,豚肉が禁止されていた期間が長かったために,ユダヤ人には豚肉が私通(fornication 姦淫)と同じくらい甘美なものに思われるようになったのかもしれない。。]

The police had forbidden us to use microphones as their use was prohibited by Park rules.

At present such knowledge is regarded on both sides as dangerous. In America,books giving truthful information about Russia are banned from public libraries.

But when I went to see him, he said, 'It is a good book, but what is needed is not only nuclear disarmament but the banning of war itself'.


Eating and drinking is forbidden in the opera hall.
 出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』,p.59

Her parents forbade her to see her boyfriend.
 出典:『キクタン TOEIC TEST SCORE 800』,p.289

Cigarette advertising should be completely prohibited.

He was prohibited from driving.
 出典:『九大英単』, p.30

Over half of U.S. companies ban smoking in the workplace.

Talking on cell phones is often banned.
 出典:『新版完全征服データベース5500 合格 英単語・熟語』, p.169