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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 自伝 第3巻第3章 - 自身の人生を楽しむ生活(松下彰良 訳) - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3,n.

前ページ 次ページ  v.3,chap.3 (Trafalgar Square) 目次  Contents (総目次)

第3巻第3章 トラファルガー広場

 必要とされた政策は,良識(常識)が命ずる政策であった。このことをもし一般の人々(一般大衆)にはっきりと示すことができれば(←示されることができれば),政府の政策を良識(常識)と一致させるべきだと一般の人々(大衆)は主張するかも知れないとの,わずかな希望を抱いていた。こうした望みをいだき,私は『常識と核戦争』を執筆した(in his hope は in this hope の誤植か?)確か,この本はかなり広く読まれ,また推奨された。しかし,この本は,いかに各個人が自分の意見を一般に知らせ,また,政策立案に影響を与えるかという問題 --その問題は一部の読者が不満に思っていたことであるが-- に正面から取り組んではいなかった。大きな期待を持ったひとときがあった。それは,国防大臣のダンカン・サンディス(Edwin Duncan Sandys, Baron Duncan-Sandys,1908-1987)が私のその本を推薦する文を書き,その本について私と語り合いたいと言った時である。彼は保守党員であり,英国政府の政策立案者でもあった。しかもこうした問題に関するあるパンフレットづくりに協力していた。ところが,私が彼に会いに行った時,彼はこう言った。「これはたいへんいい本です。しかし,必要なのは単に核兵器撤廃ばかりでなく,戦争そのもの禁止です」。

v.3,chap.3: Trafalgar Square

The policies that were needed were those dictated by common sense. If the public could be shown this clearly, I had a faint hope that they might insist upon governmental policies being brought into accord with common sense. I wrote my Common Sense and Nuclear Warfere in this (this /Rougledge ed. は "in his hope" となっており,誤植と思われます。) hope. The book was fairly widely read, I believe, and commended. But it did not tackle the question as to exactly how each individual could make his opinion known and influence policy-making, a fact that left some readers dissatisfied. I had one moment of high hope when the Minister of Defence, Duncan Sandys, wrote commending the book and saying that he would like to talk with me about it. He was a Conservative, and a policy-maker in a national Government, and had collaborated in a pamphlet on the subject himself. But when I went to see him, he said, 'It is a good book, but what is needed is not only nuclear disarmament but the banning of war itself'. In vain I pointed out the passage in my book in which I had said that the onty way to ensure the world against nuclear war was to end war. He continued to believe that I could not have said anything so intelligent. He cast my other arguments aside. I came away discouraged. I realised that most of the already informed people who read my book would read it with a bias so strong that they would take in only what they wished to take in. For the following months, therefore, I returned to the piecemeal business of speaking at meetings, CND and other, and broadcasting, and to the pleasures of my own life.