偉大な本と偉大な人生? Great books

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c217】


「ねえ君,この章はパットしないね。ほとんど説明なしにただ人名(固有名詞)だけ並べても,読者に興味をもたせることは期待できないよ。確かに,出だし の部分は,文体もなかなかよいことは認めますよ。私も最初はかなり良い印象 を持ったけど,でも全体として,何もかも語りたいという気持ちが強すぎるよ.さわりの部分を抜き出し,余分な部分をとって,適当な長さに縮めたら,また原稿を持ってきてください。」

All great books contain boring portions, and all great lives have
contained uninteresting stretches. Imagine a modern American publisher
confronted with the Old Testament as a new manuscript submitted to him
for the first time. It is not difficult to think what his comments
would be, for example, on the genealogies.
‘My dear sir,’ he would say, ‘this chapter lacks pep; you can’t expect
your reader to be interested in a mere string of proper names of
persons about whom you tell him so little. You have begun your story,
I will admit, in fine style, and at first I was very favourably
impressed, but you have altogether too much wish to tell it all.
Pick out the highlights, take out the superfluous matter, and bring
me back your manuscript when you have reduced it to a reasonable
出典:The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap.4:Boredom and excitement
詳細情報: https://russell-j.com/beginner/HA14-050.HTM#r366-c217


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