基本的なキリスト教の信仰(信条) fundamental Christian beliefs

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c173】


It was these last (= the doctrines of Unitarianism) that I believed until about the age of fifteen. At this age I began a systematic investigation of the supposed rational arguments in favour of fundamental Christian beliefs. I spent endless hours in meditation
upon this subject; I could not speak to anybody about it for fear of giving pain. I suffered acutely both from the gradual loss of faith and from the need of silence. I thought that if I ceased to believe in God, freedom and immortality, I should be very unhappy. I found, however, that the reasons given in favour of these dogmas were very
出典: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 2, 1967]
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/AB12-060.HTM#r366-c173
(Illustration from: Bertrand Russell’s The Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 1953)


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