自宅(Pembroke Lodge)に戻ってから,私は,一部始終を家族に話した。すると彼らは,型にはまった因襲に従い,反応した。彼らは言った。アリスはレデイ(淑女)ではない,幼児誘拐魔だ,下層階級のやま師だ,私の未熟につけいろうとしている女だ,いかなる上品な感情も持っていない人間だ,作法知らずのために私(ラッセル)を一生恥ずかしめるような女だ,と。しかし私は父から相続した約2万ポンド(現在の物価に換算すると,4~5億円か/参考:シャーロック・ホームズ時代の貨幣制度と物価)の財産をもっていたので,家族の言うことには全然耳をかさなかった。彼らとの間柄は非常に緊張したものとなり,それは私の結婚後まで続いた。 |
I was very much excited by her second visit to Cambridge, and began to correspond regularly with her. I was no longer spending the summers at Haslemere, because my grandmother and my Aunt Agatha did not get on with my Uncle Rollo's second wife. But on the 13th of September, I went to Friday's Hill for a two days' visit. The weather was warm and golden. There was not a breath of wind, and in the early morning there were mists in the valleys. I remember that Logan made fun of Shelley for speaking of 'golden mists', and I in turn made fun of Logan, saying there had bean a golden mist that very morning, but before he was awake. For my part I was up and about early, having arranged with Alys to go for a walk before breakfast. We went and sat in a certain beech-wood on a hill, a place of extraordinary beauty looking like an early Gothic cathedral, and with a glimpse of distant views through the tree trunks in all directions. The morning was fresh and dewy, and I began to think that perhaps there might be happiness in human life. Shyness, however, prevented me from getting beyond feeling my way while we sat in the wood. It was only after breakfast, and then with infinite hesitation and alarm, that I arrived at a definite proposal, which was in those days the custom. I was neither accepted nor rejected. It did not occur to me to attempt to kiss her, or even take her hand. We agreed to go on seeing each other and corresponding, and to let time decide one way or the other. All this happened out-of-doors, but when we finally came in to lunch, she found a letter from Lady Henry Somerset, inviting her to the Chicago World's Fair to help in preaching temperance, a virtue of which in those days America was supposed not to have enough. Alys had inherited from her mother an ardent belief in total abstinence, and was much elated to get this invitation. She read it out triumphantly, and accepted it enthusiastically, which made me feel rather small, as it meant several months of absence, and possibly the beginning of an interesting career. When I came home, I told my people what had occurred, and they reacted according to the stereotyped convention. They said she was no lady, a baby-snatcher, a low-class adventuress, a designing female taking advantage of my inexperience, a person incapable of all the finer feelings, a woman whose vulgarity would perpetually put me to shame. But I had a fortune of some £20,000(pound) inherited from my father, and I paid no attention to what my people said. Relations became very strained, and remained so until after I was married. |