
Archives (2017年)

[Jan. 31, 2017]

 私たちは,結婚生活の初めの何年かを,多くの外国の国々を見てまわろうと心に決めていた。そこで,私たちは,1895年の最初の3ヶ月間をベルリンで過ごした。私はベルリン大学に行って,そこで主として経済学を研究した(訳注:この研究の成果は,翌年,ラッセルの最初の著作 German Social Democracy として出版された)。(また)大学特別研究員の資格をとるための(数学に関する)学位論文の執筆作業も続けた。私たちは,週3回音楽会に行き,それから私たちは,ドイツ社会民主党員たちと知り合うようになったが,彼らは当時とても邪悪な人間であると考えられていた。

We had decided that during the early years of our married life, we would see a good deal of foreign countries, and accordingly we spent the first three months of 1895 in Berlin. I went to the university, where I chiefly studied economics. I continued to work at my Fellowship dissertation (on the foundations of geometry). We went to concerts three times a week, and we began to know the Social Democrats, who were at that time considered very, wicked.
 出典:The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 5: First marriage, 1967

[Jan. 30, 2017]


I found that he had proposed to my mother at just the same age at which I had proposed to Alys, that my grandmother had said almost exactly the same things to him as she had to me, and that he had recorded exactly the same reflections in his diary as I had recorded in mine. This gave me an uncanny feeling that I was not living my own life but my father's over again, and tended to produce a superstitious belief in heredity.
 出典:The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 4: Engagement, 1967

[Jan. 29, 2017]


It was a blow to me during the War to find that, even at Cambridge, intellectual honesty had its limitations. Until then, wherever I lived, I felt that Cambridge was the only place on earth that I could regard as home.
 出典:The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 3:Cambridge, 1967

[Jan. 28, 2017]


I asked the grown-ups whether Shelley was not considered a great poet, but found that they thought ill of him. This, however, did not deter me, and I spent all my spare time reading him, and learning him by heart. Knowing no one to whom I could speak of what I thought or felt, I used to reflect how wonderful it would have been to know Shelley, and to wonder whether I should ever meet any live human being with whom I should feel so much in sympathy.
 出典:The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 2, 1967

[Jan. 27, 2017]


The years of adolescence were to me very lonely and very unhappy. Both in the life of the emotions and in the life of the intellect, I was obliged to preserve an impenetrable secrecy towards my people. My interests were divided between sex, religion, and mathematics. I find the recollection of my sexual preoccupation in adolescence unpleasant. I do not like to remember how I felt in those years, but I will do my best to relate things as they were and not as I could wish them to have been.
 出典:The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 1, 1967

[Jan. 26, 2017]




But in retrospect, as I have grown older, I have realized more and more the importance she had in moulding my outlook on life. Her fearlessness, her public spirit, her contempt for convention, and her indifference to the opinion of the majority have always seemed good to me and have impressed themselves upon me as worthy of imitation. She gave me a Bible with her favourite texts written on the fly-leaf. Among these was "Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil." Her emphasis upon this text led me in later life to be not afraid of belonging to small minorities.
 出典:The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 1, 1967

[Jan. 25, 2017]


If I may judge by my own recollections, the important and formative impressions of childhood rise to consciousness only in fugitive moments in the midst of childish occupations, and are never mentioned to adults. I think periods of browsing during which no occupation is imposed from without are important in youth because they give time for the formation of these apparently fugitive but really vital impressions.
 出典:The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 1, 1967

[Jan. 24, 2017]


The man who is engaged in experiments with a view to some great scientific discovery or invention is not blamed afterwards for the poverty that he has made his family endure, provided that his efforts are crowned with ultimate success. If, however, he never succeeds in making the discovery or the invention that he was attempting, public opinion condemns him as a crank, which seems unfair, since no one in such an enterprise can be sure of success in advance.
 出典:The Conquest of Happiness, chap. 8: Zest

[Jan. 23, 2017]


In 1906 I discovered the Theory of Types. After this it only remained to write the book out. Whitehead's teaching work left him not enough leisure for this mechanical job. I worked at it from ten to twelve hours a day for about eight months in the year, from 1907 to 1910. The manuscript became more and more vast, and every time that I went out for a walk I used to be afraid that the house would catch fire and the manuscript get burnt up. It was not, of course, the sort of manuscript that could be typed, or even copied.
 出典:The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 6: Principia Mathematica, 1967

[Jan. 22, 2017]


I was trying hard to solve the contradictions mentioned above. Every morning I would sit down before a blank sheet of paper. Throughout the day, with a brief interval for lunch, I would stare at the blank sheet. Often when evening came it was still empty. ... the two summers of 1903 and 1904 remain in my mind as a period of complete intellectual deadlock. It was clear to me that I could not get on without solving the contradictions, and I was determined that no difficulty should turn me aside from the completion of Principia Mathematica, but it seemed quite likely that the whole of the rest of my life might be consumed in looking at that blank sheet of paper.
 出典:The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 6: Principia Mathematica, 1967

[Jan. 21, 2017]


Since I do not admit that a person without bias exists, I think the best that can be done with a large-scale history is to admit one's bias and for dissatisfied readers to look for other writers to express an opposite bias. Which bias is nearer to the truth must be left to posterity. This point of view on the writing of history makes me prefer my History of Western Philosophy to the Wisdom of the West which was taken from the former.
 出典:The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2 chap. 6: America, 1968

[Jan. 20, 2017]

 私は,時々批評家から,私は真実の歴史を書かず,書こうと恣意的に選んだ出来事に偏った説明を加えている,といって非難された。しかし私の考えでは,何らの先入観をもっていない人間は −もしかりにほんとうにそのような人間が存在するとして− 興味深い歴史など書くことができないだろう。私は,先入観がないふりすることは,単なる'ごまかし'にすぎないと考える。さらにいえば,本というものは,他のいかなる著作同様,そのよって立つ観点とともに,考えられるべきものである。

I was sometimes accused by reviewers of writing not a true history but a biased account of the events that I arbitrarily chose to write of. But to my mind, a man without a bias cannot write interesting history if, indeed, such a man exists. I regard it as mere humbug to pretend to lack of bias. Moreover, a book, like any other work, should be held together by its point of view.
 出典:The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2 chap. 6: America, 1968.

[Jan. 19, 2017]


But it is also his duty to recognize such distortions as are inevitable from our very nature. Of these, the most fundamental is that we view the world from the point of view of the here and now, not with that large impartiality which theists attribute to the Deity. To achieve such impartiality is impossible for us, but we can travel a certain distance towards it. To show the road to this end is the supreme duty of the philosopher.
 出典:Bertrand Russell: My Philosphical Development, 1959.

[Jan. 18, 2017]

I used to think of sense, and of thought which is built on sense, as a prison from which we can be freed by thought which is emancipated from sense. I now have no such feelings. I think of sense, and of thoughts built on sense, as windows, not as prison bars. I think that we can, however imperfectly, mirror the world, like Leibniz's monads; and I think it is the duty of the philosopher to make himself as undistorting a mirror as he can.
 出典:Bertrand Russell: My Philosphical Development, 1959

[Jan. 17, 2017]

 私は今でも、真理は事実へのある種の関係であり、事実は一般に非人間的なものである、と考えている。(また)私は今でも、人間が宇宙的にはとるに足りない存在であり、今とここ[時空)とによって歪められずに宇宙を公平に見渡すことのできる絶対的な存在者 −そういうものが存在するとしてー であるならば、おそらくは書物の終り近くにつける脚注以外では、人間のことにほとんど言及しないでであろう、と考える。しかし、私はもはや、人間的要素が存在する場所からそれらを追い払おうとは望まない。 

I still think that truth depends upon a relation to fact, and that facts in general are non-human; I still think that man is cosmically unimportant, and that a Being, if there were one, who could view the universe impartially, without the bias of here and now, would hardly mention man, except perhaps in a footnote near the end of the volume; but I no longer have the wish to thrust out human elements from regions where they belong.
 出典:Bertrand Russell: My Philosphical Development, 1959.

[Jan. 16, 2017]

 全ての伝統的哲学では、「様相」の名の下に、命題の性質としての必然性、可能性、不可能性が論じられていますが、実際それらは命題関数の性質なのです。命題は真か偽であるだけです。 「]は]である」は、「]」が何であろうと真になる命題関数、つまり必然的な命題関数です。「]は人間である」なら可能な、「]は一角獣である」なら不可能な命題関数になります。  命題は真か偽のどちらかでしかありえませんが,命題関数には以上3つの可能性があります。

In all traditional philosophy there comes a heading of 'modality', which discusses necessary, possible, and impossible as properties of propositions, whereas in fact they are properties of propositional functions. Propositions are only true or false.
If you take 'x is x', that is a propositional function which is true whatever 'x' may be, i.e. a necessary propositional function. If you take 'x is a man', that is a possible one. If you take 'x is a unicorn', that is an impossible one. Propositions can only be true or false, but propositional functions have these three possibilities.
 出典:Bertrand Russell: The Philosophy of Logical Atomism, 1918

[Jan. 15, 2017]


Domestic animals expect food when they see the person who feeds them. We know that all these rather crude expectations of uniformity are liable to be misleading. The man who has fed the chicken every day throughout its life at last wrings its neck instead, showing that more refined views as to the uniformity of nature would have been useful to the chicken.
 出典:The Problems of Philosophy, 1912, cahpt. 6: On Induction

[Jan. 14, 2017]


Philosophers are both effects and causes: effects of their social circumstances and of the politics and institutions of their time; causes (if they are fortunate) of beliefs which mould the politics and institutions of later ages. In most histories of philosophy, each philosopher appears as in a vacuum; his opinions are set forth unrelated except, at most, to those of earlier philosophers.
 出典:A History of Western Philosophy, 1945, preface.

[Jan. 13, 2017]


The view that seems to me to reconcile the materialistic tendency of psychology with the anti-materialistic tendency of physics is the view of William James and the American new realists, according to which the 'stuff' of the world is neither mental nor material, but a 'neutral stuff,' out of which both are constructed.
 出典:The Analysis of Mind, 1921, preface

[Jan. 12, 2017]


It is a commonplace that happiness is not best achieved by those who seek it directly; and it would seem that the same is true of the good. In thought, at any rate, those who forget good and evil and seek only to know the facts are more likely to achieve good than those who view the world through the distorting medium of their own desires.
 出典:Our Knowledge of the External World, 1914, chap. 1

[Jan. 11, 2017]


In philosophy, hitherto, ethical neutrality has been seldom sought and hardly ever achieved. Men have remembered their wishes, and have judged philosophies in relation to their wishes. Driven from the particular sciences, the belief that the notions of good and evil must afford a key to the understanding of the world has sought a refuge in philosophy. But even from this last refuge, if philosophy is not to remain a set of pleasing dreams, this belief must be driven forth. 
 出典:Our Knowledge of the External World, 1914, chap. 1
 詳細(PCサイト):> http://russell-j.com/R601.HTM

[Jan. 10, 2017]

Philosophy,though unable to tell us with certainty what is the true answer to the doubts which it raises,is able to suggest many possibilities which enlarge our thoughts and free them from the tyranny of custom. Thus,while diminishing our feeling of certainty as to what things are,it greatly increases our knowledge as to what they may be.
 出典:The Problems of Philosophy, chap. 15(1912)

[Jan. 9, 2017]


The man who has no tincture of philosophy goes through life imprisoned in the prejudices derived from common sense, from the habitual beliefs of his age or his nation, and from convictions which have grown up in his mind without the co-operation or consent of his deliberate reason. To such a man the world tends to become definite, finite, obvious; common objects rouse no questions
 出典:The value of philosophy' in The Problems of Philosophy, 1912

[Jan. 8, 2017]


I tried first the method of reason: I compared the danger of nuclear weapons with the danger of the Black Death. Everybody said, 'How true,' and did nothing. I tried alerting a particular group, but though this had a limited success, it had little effect on the general public or Governments. I next tried the popular appeal of marches of large numbers. Everybody said, 'These marchers are a nuisance'..
But whether mankind will think itself worth preserving remains a doubtful question.
 出典:The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3:1944-1969, chap.4: The Foundation

[Jan. 7, 2017]

 もし人類が生き残るべきであるならば,科学戦争を引き起こす力を最高位の権威のある国家(supreme State)だけに集中してもたせなければならないだろう。しかしこういった考えは人間精神の習性に相容れないものであるため,現在のところ,大多数の人々は人類絶滅の危険をおかす方を好むだろう。これは現代(我々)の最大の危険である。この危機に臨んで世界政府の樹立が間に合うかどうかは,現代における最大の問題である。

If mankind is to survive, the power of making scientific war will have to be concentrated in a supreme State. But this is so contrary to men's mental habits that, as yet, the great majority would prefer to run the risk of extermination. This is the supreme danger of our age. Whether a World Government will be established in time or not is the supreme question.
 出典:The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3 chap. 1: Return to England, 1969.
 詳細(PCサイト): http://russell-j.com/beginner/AB31-210.HTM

[Jan. 6, 2017]

The judges of Nuremberg believed that the Germans should have committed civil disobedience in the name of decency and humanity. This is little likely to have been their view if they had been judging their own countrymen and not their enemies . But I believe it is true of friend as well as foe.
 出典:The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3 chap. 1: Return to England, 1969.
 詳細(PCサイト): http://russell-j.com/beginner/AB31-160.HTM

[Jan. 5, 2017]


The enemies of the German Government would have punished with death any soldier among themselves who had practised the sort of civil disobedience the lack of which among Germans they pleaded as an excuse for condemning Germans.
 出典:The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3 chap. 1: Return to England, 1969.
 詳細(PCサイト): http://russell-j.com/beginner/AB31-160.HTM

[Jan. 4, 2017]


And if war is not abolished, civilization cannot survive. This is a painful dilemma for those whose patriotic feelings are stronger than their reasoning powers, but if it is not apprehended intellectually it will be disastrously proved by the march of events.
 出典:Right and Might (written in early of 1930s and pub. in 1975 in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.
 詳細(PCサイト): http://russell-j.com/SEIGI.HTM

[Jan. 3, 2017]


But you cannot say, with any semblance of logic, that you are against war but in favour of the present system, according to which, in a dispute, every government is the ultimate judge in its own case.
 出典:Right and Might (written in early of 1930s and pub. in 1975 in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.
 詳細(PCサイト): http://russell-j.com/SEIGI.HTM

[Jan. 2, 2016]


Among those who are rich enough to choose their way of life, the particular brand of unendurable boredom from which they suffer is due, paradoxical as this may seem, to their fear of boredom.In flying from the fructifying kind of boredom, they fall a prey to the other far worse kind. A happy life must be to a great extent a quiet life, for it is only in an atmosphere of quiet that true joy can live.
 出典:The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap.4: Boredom and excitement
 詳細(PCサイト): http://russell-j.com/beginner/HA14-070.HTM

[Jan. 1, 2017]


A generation that cannot endure boredom will be a generation of little men, of men unduly divorced from the slow processes of nature, of men in whom every vital impulse slowly withers, as though they were cut flowers in a vase.
 出典:The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap.4: Boredom and excitement
 詳細(PCサイト): http://russell-j.com/beginner/HA14-060.HTM