
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 h069 - have a high [good] opinion of

★ have a high [good] opinion of【(n) 高く評価する [~をよく思う]】

* この「opinion」は「意見」というより「判断・評価」という意味
* 反対: have a low [bad] opinion of:低く評価する[~をよく思わない]


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People who wish to have a high opinion of their own moral excellence have therefore to persuade themselves that they have achieved a degree of unselfishness that it is very unlikely that they have achieved, and hence the endeavour after saintliness comes to be connected with self-deception of a kind that easily leads on to persecution mania.

Imagine how unhappy the life of a peacock would be if he had been taught that it is wicked to have a good opinion of oneself.

Education of young children would be very difficult if they did not desire the good opinion of their parents.
 出典:ラッセル『教育論』第一部_ 教育の理想_第2章「教育の目的

We may not have any very high opinion of our present politicians, but most of us would hardly describe them quite so savagely as this. .

He had a very high opinion of the Russians, with whom he had fraternised at the Front.


I have a high opinion of the film director.
 出典:『解体英熟語 改訂第2版』p.26

He had a high opinion of Ms. Yamada and appointed her as his successor.
 出典:『新版完全征服 データベース5500 合格 英単語熟語』p.163

They have a very high opinion of his work.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.