
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 015 - embark on (upon)

★ embark on (upon)【乗船する;~を始める】

* embark [(vt) (乗客・荷物を,(船・飛行機に)積み込む;(事業などに人を)乗り出させる;乗り出す // (vi):(飛行機に)乗り込む;船出する,搭乗する;(新しいこと・難事業などに)乗り出す]


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After having enjoyed independence, she finds it galling to have to look to another for every penny of necessary expenditure. For all these reasons such women hesitate to embark upon maternity.
* galling (adj.):癪に障る

The modern youth who intends to adopt a profession tends to be idle at school and only to begin hard work when he embarks upon technical training. In law school or medical school he exerts himself to acquire knowledge because it has for him an obvious economic utility.

I got him to give me a long list of philosophical books that I ought to read, and while I was still working at mathematics I embarked upon them.

The History of Western Philosophy began by accident and proved the main source of my income for many years. I had no idea, when I embarked upon this project, that it would have a success which none of my other books have had, even, for a time, shining high upon the American list of best sellers.

'But now I just want to say how it's difficult, when one has embarked upon a course which invites a greater or less degree of persecution and obloquy and abuse, to find instead that one is welcomed as I have been today.


He is going to embark on a new enterprise.

It's late in life to embark on a new career.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

She is about to embark on a diplomatic career.
 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]