
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c055 - credit

★ credit [(v) 信用する;(ある性質‥感情などを)持っていると信じる;(功績・名誉などを~に)帰する || (n) 信頼,信用;評判;称賛;功績;信用貸し;履修証明]

* creditable (adj.):ほめるべき,称賛に値する
* credibility (n):信ぴょう性,信用性
* credible (adj.):信用できる
* give credit to A : Aを信用する

* give A credit for B : Bに関してAの功績を認める
* on credit : クレジット(カード)で
* credit (貸す) + debt (借りる) → balance-sheet (貸借対照表)


'Humility' suppressed self-respect, but not the desire for the respect of others, it merely made nominal self-abasement the means of acquiring credit. Thus it produced hypocrisy and falsification of instinct.
* humility (n):卑下,謙遜
* self-abasement (n):謙遜,卑下
* falsification (n):偽造;(事実の)歪曲;反証


Future ages, he maintains, will be unable to credit the amount of government interference which has hitherto existed. It is painful to read a statement of this sort, since it makes one realize the impossibility of foreseeing, even in its most general outlines, the course of future development.

The fact is that optimism is pleasant so long as it is credible, but when it is not, it is intensely irritating.


His theory is gaining credit with scientists.
 (出典:宮川幸久『英単語ターゲット1900 四訂版』p.167]

I did most of the job, but it was my boss who got credit for it.
 出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.383]

If you can't afford to pay cash, buy the furniture on credit. / Do you place any credit in the government's story?
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]