
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 b007 breed

★ breed (v) [産む,養育する,繁殖させる,飼育する]

* breeding (n):繁殖;飼育
* bleed (出血する) と混同しないこと。


I was largely concerned in this lecture with the bad effect of early industrial power and with the dangers that will result if any powerful State adopts scientific breeding.

My trouble in New York in 1940 on sexual morals had blown over but had left in any audience of mine an expectation that they would hear something that the old and orthodox would consider shocking. There were plenty of such items in my discussion of scientific breeding. Generally, I had the pleasant experience of being applauded on the very same remarks which had caused me to be ostracized on the earlier occasion.
* ostracize (v):(人を)追放する,排斥する;(古代ギリシアで)陶片によって追放する

One of the most important elements of success in becoming a man of genius is to learn the art of denunciation. You must always denounce in such a way that your reader thinks that it is the other fellow who is being denounced and not himself; in that case he will be impressed by your noble scorn, whereas if he thinks that it is himself that you are denouncing, he will consider that you are guilty of ill-bred peevishness.
* scorn (n):(怒りをこめた激しい)軽蔑 【cf. contempt は低い階級のもの・好ましくないものに対する強い非難の気持ちをこめた軽蔑】
* peevish (adj.):気難しい;すねた


Astrakan seemed to me more like hell than anything I had ever imagined. The town water-supply was taken from the same part of the river into which ships shot their refuse. Every street had stagnant water which bred millions of mosquitoes.
* stagnant (adj.):(水など)流れない,淀んでいる;不活発な
* refuse (n):廃棄物,かす,ごみ


Being a dog bred more for looks than intelligence, he often went off in the direction that the rabbit had come, rather than that in which it had gone. We watched this performance with lofty amusement, despising the poor dog for his stupidity and his inability to use his eyes as we did. But secretly I identified with the dog and felt sorry for him, the recipient of our scorn. He was not really stupid, only a dog, behaving as a dog behaves. That is what it was like, having Bertrand Russell for a father.


Those people breed like rabbits (=have a lot of children). / He breeds tropical fish.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]