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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセ 自伝 第3巻第1章 英国への帰国 - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3

前ページ 次ページ v.3,chap.1 (Return to England) 目次  Contents (総目次)

Christian love とは?(松下彰良 訳)

 コロンビア大学での最後の講義の末尾で私の言った一節(くだり)でトラブルに巻き込まれてしまった。私はその一節のなかで,「世界が必要としているのは,愛(love),キリストの愛(Christian love),即ち,思いやり(compassion)です」と言った。私がこの「キリストの」という言葉を使ったことで,自由思想家たちからは一般通説の考え方(正統主義)に従ったといって嘆く手紙が,また,キリスト教徒の側からは彼らの教会に歓迎するという手紙が,殺到した。それから10年後に,(反核デモ行進のために収監された)ブリクストン刑務所でそこの教戒師から「あなたが光明を見いだされたことをうれしく思います。」といって歓迎された時,私は彼に,それはまったくの誤解であること,私の考えはまったく変っていないこと,また私なら'暗中模索している'と言うべきところをあなたは'光明を見いだしている'と言っているということを,説明しなければならなかった。あの時の講義で私が「キリストの愛」(Christian love)と言ったのは,その「愛」を普通の'性的な愛'から区別する意味で「キリストの」という形容詞をつけたのであるが,それはまったく自明のことと考えていた。前後の関係(文脈)からしてこれはまったくあきらかであると本当に想っていた。
(松下注:ラッセルは1929年に出版した Marriage and Morals 第9章で次のように書いている。Love, when the word is properly used, does not denote any and every relation between the sexes, but only one involving considerable emotion, and a relation which is psychological as well as physical. つまり 'love' は,本来は(適切に使われた場合は),'男女間の恋愛感情'を意味するものであり,性的な意味合いはない。しかし,誤解をする人もいると思われるために,コロンビア大学の講義では,'性的な愛'(sexual love)ではないことを明確にするために 'Christian' という形容詞をつけた,ということである。)

v.3,chap.1: Return to England

あるいは アマゾンで購入
I think I was mistaken in being surprised that my lectures were liked by the audience. Almost any young academic audience is liberal and likes to hear liberal and even quasi-revolutionary opinions expressed by someone in authority. They like, also any jibe at any received opinion, whether orthodox or not: for instance, I spent some time making fun of Aristotle for saying that the bite of the shrewmouse is dangerous to a horse, especially if the shrewrmouse is pregnant. My audience was irreverent and so was I. I think this was the main basis of their liking of my lectures. My unorthodoxy was not confined to politics. My trouble in New York in 1940 on sexual morals had blown over but had left in any audience of mine an expectation that they would hear something that the old and orthodox would consider shocking. There were plenty of such items in my discussion of scientific breeding. Generally, I had the pleasant experience of being applauded on the very same remarks which had caused me to be ostracized on the earlier occasion.
I got into trouble with a passage at the tail end of my last Columbia lecture. In this passage, I said that what the world needs is 'love, Christian love, or compassion'. The result of my use of the word 'Christian' was a deluge of letters from, Free-thinkers deploring my adoption of orthodoxy, and from Christians welcoming me to the fold. When, ten years later, I was welcomed by the Chaplain to Brixton Prison with the words, 'I am glad that you have seen the light', I had to explain to him that this was an entire misconception, that my views were completely unchanged and that what he called seeing the light I should call groping in darkness. I had thought it obvious that, when I spoke of Christian love, I put in the adjective 'Christian' to distinguish it from sexual love, and I should certainly have supposed that the context made this completely clear. I go on to say that,
'If you feel this you have a motive for existence, a guide in action, a reason for courage, and an imperative necessity for intellectul honesty. If you feel this, you have all that anybody should need in the way of religion.'
It seems to me totally inexplicable that anybody should think the above words a description of Christianity, especially in view, as some Christians will remember, of how very rarely Christians have shown Christian love. I have done my best to console those who are not Christians for the pain that I unwittingly caused them by a lax use of the suspect adjective. My essays and lectures on the subject have been edited and published in 1957 by Professor Paul Edwards along with an essay by him on my New York difficulties of 1940, under the title Why I am not a Christian.