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ラッセル英単語熟語-索引 類義語-索引
バートランド・ララッセルの英語「類義語シリーズ」- throw / cast
(1-1) The pitcher threw a curve.
(1-2) Business recession threw thousands of men out of work.
(2-1) He cast a line downstream and reeled it in against the current.
(2-2) His article cast a new light on the problem.
Presumably on some occasion a child got scolded for throwing the meat into the fire, but when it was taken out it was found to be much better, and so the long history of cookery began.
出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Helped Mankind,1946」
"I neglected the opportunity to throw them both down, which would have given me immortal fame".
[私(注:イタリアの某小公子)は二人(注:皇帝と教皇)とも同時に投げ落として不滅の名声を自分に与える(不滅の名声を得る)機会を見逃して(怠って)しまいました。」 ]
出典:ラッセル『ヒューマン・ソサエティ-倫理学から政治学へ』第二部 第2章「政治的に重要な欲望」
In this story a South-Slav peasant, on his way to America, is the sole survivor of the wreck of his ship, and is cast away in a Kentish village.
Dora's condition was not yet visible to ordinary eyes, but we saw the ship's doctor cast a professional eye upon her, and we learned that he had communicated his observations to the passengers.
The kids threw the balls into the basket.
出典:『VITAL3000 英単語・熟語』p.17
Why don't you throw away those old magazines.
出典:『キクタン TOEIC TEST SCORE 800』p.261
I won't cast a vote in the next election.
The witch cast a spell on the beautiful princess.
出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.408