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ラッセル英単語熟語-索引  類義語-索引




(1-1) As a political rival, he is formidable, he is a distinct threat to me.

(1-2) It threatens to rain.

(2) Mankind is no longer exposed to the menace of tuberculosis as in the prewar days.


At the present moment large parts of the world are faced with the threat of famine, but although natural causes have contributed to the situation, the principal causes are human.

Moreover, to deal with obscenity by means of the law and the threat of imprisonment does more harm than good.

Even in the pursuit of really important objects it is unwise to become so deeply involved emotionally that the thought of possible failure becomes a constant menace to peace of mind.

I decided to write a book on the daily increasing menace of war. I called this book Which Way to Peace?


Terrorisum is a political threat to Western nations.

The rapid growth of Asian countries is a potential threat to Japan's economy.
 出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.249

The young man was a menace to society.
 出典:『キクタン super 12000』p.101

The busy road is a menace to the children's safety.]
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.