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ラッセルの英語「類義語シリーズ」- small / little


【"little":同じく小さなサイズを表す言葉ではあるが、"little"の方は標準を極端に下回るという含みがある。「小さい」ことは、話しの事情によって、「可愛い」意味にもなれば、軽蔑的にも、謙虚な意味合いにもなる。たとえば"a little jacket"は使いようによっては、軽蔑的にも、謙遜的にもなる。また、"a little man"は名もない平均的な「庶民」の意味。】

(1-1) a small economy / a small woman

(1-2) I felt small there.

(2-1) He puts on the air of a little girl.

(2-2) I got this little jacket at a bargain price.

(2-3) Chaplin styled himself as the champion of a little man.


I think that in general, apart from expert opinion, there is too much respect paid to the opinions of others, both in great matters and in small ones.

Nevertheless in 1902 I became a member of a small dining club called 'The Coefficients', got up by Sidney Webb for the purpose of considering political questions from a more or less Imperialist point of view.
[それにもかかわらず,私は,1902年に,政治問題を多かれ少なかれ帝国主義者の見地から検討することを目的にシドニー・ウェッブ(Sidney Webb, 1859-1947)によって創設された'効率懇話会(注:食事をしながら意見を交換する懇談会)という名の小さな食事会のメンバーになった。]

One of the great drawbacks to self-centred passions is that they afford so little variety in life.

Then he left me, saying that now he must have a little walking.


He's a small man, only five feet tall.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.

I used to go there when I was a little girl.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.