ラッセル英単語熟語-索引 類義語-索引
ラッセルの英語「類義語シリーズ」- sick / ill
【"sick":イギリス英語の場合は、通常「吐き気を催す」の意味に(女性の場合はつわり、即ち妊娠に結びついて)使わる。病気の意味で使う時は、 I'm sick of stomach. または、 I am [feel] at stomach. と部位を示す。一方、米語の場合には主に病気の意味で使われる。】
(1-1) Quite a few people didn't show up today at the office. Are they sick?
(1-2) ... in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, till death do us part.
[[結婚の宣誓] 病める時も、健やかなる時も、互いを愛し、死によって引き離されるまでいつくしみあうべきこと・・・。]
(2) At the end of the war, Japan was a nation ill-housed and ill-fed.
We told him that if he ate too much chocolate he would be ill, but, having told him, we left him alone. He ate too much and was ill. He came to me as soon as the crisis was over, with a beaming face, saying, in a voice almost of triumph : "I was ill, Daddy--Daddy told me I should be ill".
Insurance against unemployment, sickness, and destitution in old age, has removed from the lives of wage-earners a great deal of painful uncertainty as to their future.
Young people are ill-advised if they yield to the pressure of the old in any vital matter.
If your child is ill you may be unhappy, but you will not feel that all is vanity; you will feel that the restoring of the child to health is a matter to be attended to regardless of the question whether there is ultimate value in human life or not.
She' visiting her sick uncle in hospital.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.
My grandmother has been ill in bed for a month.
出典:『VITAL3000 英単語・熟語』p.143
A week after the riots, two policemen were still seriously/critically ill in hospital with gunshot wounds.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.