バートランド・ラッセルの英語「類義語シリーズ」 - plan / plot / scheme / project
★ plan / plot / scheme / project | 総索引
【"plot":小説やドラマの筋(プロット)や陰謀を企てることの意味でよく使われるが、本来は layout すること。】
(1) The architect showed us the ground plan for the new building he has designed.
(2-1) The drama is full of action but there is no clearly defined plot to it.
(2-2) They were plotting to unseat the company's president.
(3-1) A man ought to strive to attain his rightful place in the scheme of things.
(3-2) This is a scheme, I suspect, to get us to do the dirty wrok he doesn't wanto to do himself.
[これは、彼が自分にしたくない汚れ役を我々にやらせる(→ 自分がしたくない汚れ役を、彼が我々にやらせる)計略だと私はにらんでいる。]
(4) The entire project is doomed.
I have found, for example, that if I have to write upon some rather difficult topic the best plan is to think about it with very great intensity - the greatest intensity of which I am capable - for a few hours or days, and at the end of that time give orders, so to speak, that the work is to proceed underground. .
My intellectual friends, most of whom are passionate readers of detective stories, assure me that what they like is the ingenuity of the plot and the detection.
At my first meeting rats were let loose to frighten the ladies, and ladies who were in the plot screamed in pretended terror with a view to disgracing their sex. .
Finally I hit upon the scheme of moving from Ffestiniog and taking a house to share with my son and his family in Richmond.
Apart from such considerations, children and young people feel instinctively the difference between those who genuinely wish them well and those who regard them merely as a raw material for some scheme.
After some years of work, spring tides proved that the project was not feasible and all the money that had been spent was as completely lost as if it had been thrown into deep water.
[何年か工事(work)をした後,その事業は'(何度か)大潮(spring tides 高潮)が襲ったため実行不可能となり,投資された資金はあたかも全て深海に捨てられたかのようにまったく無駄になってしまった。]
I have no plans for this evening.
The plot was so complicated that I couldn't follow it.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.
We have to present a business scheme at the conference.
He's scheming against me behind my back.
出典:『京大学術語彙データベース 基本英単語1110』p.37
The purpose of this project is to help homeless people.